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Becoming a VCDX

VMware Certified Design Experts are part of an elite group of architects leading virtualization implementations around the world. Join this community of experts by earning your VCDX certification for Data Center Virtualization, Cloud Management and Automation, Desktop and Mobility or Network Virtualization.


  • It’s VMware’s most elite certification.
  • It’s peer-vetted, with all applications and defenses judged by other VCDXs who went through the same process (following a set scoring rubric to maintain objectivity).
  • VCDXs have proven their ability not only properly design a world-class production-ready environment but also thoroughly describe and defend that design.
  • VCDXs are automatically accepted as vExperts, recognizing the influence and expertise they have.
  • VCDXs have the attention of the highest level of executives at VMware, including the CEO.
  • By being listed in the VCDX directory, you can show off your achievement and be found by the industry at large; it’s the only certification that provides this benefit.

Learn more about the program today.

Or, hear it directly from the source. Mandy Botsko-Wilson, VCDX #189, talks about her VCDX journey, including what inspired her, the challenges she faced, and the support system that helped her succeed.

Watch here.