
Tell Us How You Really Feel About Our Exams. We’re Listening!

Did you know that VMware has a COMMENTING feature enabled in all of its exams (both certification and badge exams) so that you can provide feedback in real-time during your test event?


We follow industry-standard rigorous processes to develop our exams and monitor their performance closely (through a process called an “exam health check”) throughout their lifetime with our goal of continuous improvement. During those health checks, both the quantitative data (e.g. how is the item performing, who is getting it right or wrong, is it discriminating those who know from those who don’t, etc.) as well as qualitative data is considered. Naturally, the more data points (or exam deliveries) we have, the stronger the statistical validation. But we take it a step further and consider the qualitative piece as well. That’s right; we review comments provided and take all of our candidate feedback seriously. So…


If you have something to say, say it! And what better time to do so than while you’re in the thick of it. If you are presented with an item which you’d like to provide feedback, we encourage you to do so while the details are still fresh in your mind.



Caution: Don’t shout it from the rooftops! Sharing exam details publicly (whether via a blog, email, or even casual conversation, etc.) is a direct violation of the VMware Certification Program Candidate Agreement, to which you consent at the time of your exam registration. Violation of this agreement could result in cancellation of a passed test result, revocation of any pre-existing VMware certification, and even permanent bar from any further participation in the program, among other things. In short, if you have something to say, say it to us confidentially from within your exam.


If you have feedback NOT related to a specific exam item, we encourage you to email us within three calendar days of sitting your exam at [email protected]. In this case, the following information should be provided so that we can best respond:

  1. Full Name
  2. VMW ID Number
  3. Registration Number
  4. Exam Number
  5. The Detailed description of the exam issue encountered


Together, we will continue to make our exams the best they can be! Happy commenting!