Here’s your chance to catch up with our five most popular webcasts from last year. Don’t miss out on the webcasts that your peers found most interesting in 2019.

Troubleshooting vSphere HA and DRS Clusters

In this webinar, we explored some of the issues that can arise in vSphere HA and DRS host clusters and how to troubleshoot them.

Speaker: Bob Blencowe, Senior Technical Instructor

VMware SD-WAN by Velocloud

In this session, we covered what NSX SD-WAN is, what it does, and how SD-WAN can benefit your organization.

Speaker: Kirk Lacewell, Senior Technical Instructor

Monitoring and Troubleshooting vCenter Server Appliance using Vimtop & VAMI

The VMware vCenter Server Appliance (VCSA) is one of the most critical pieces of your data center’s infrastructure. Monitoring and maintaining your appliance should be your top concern. Fortunately, VMware built in tools to do just that: vimtop and vSphere Appliance Manager Interface (VAMI). In this session, we explored how to use vimtop and VAMI to do real-time monitoring of your vCenter Server Appliance’s health.

Speaker: Tom Fenton, Sr. Developer, Curriculum Development

Configuring and Understanding Elastic DRS for VMware Cloud on AWS

This session began with an overview of the Elastic DRS for VMware Cloud™ on AWS feature. We compared and contrasted it to the VMware vSphere® Distributed Resource Scheduler™ that you may be using in your on-premises datacenter. The session included a demo of configuring Elastic DRS in the VMware Cloud console and a discussion of implementation by API. Finally, we discussed best practices for successful implementation in VMware Cloud on AWS and reviewed the configuration maximums of Elastic DRS.

Speaker: Harrison Sherwin, Sr. Technical Support Training Specialist