Career Development Certification IT Education Learning

From Frontline Support to Education Expert – Ashley Frame

The VMware Certification Team recognizes Ashley Frame for her significant contributions to VMware’s Certification Program and specifically for work done within the Digital Workspace domain. Ashley has been a consistent and valued presence at all Digital Workspace Certification development efforts, from our very first Digital Workspace exam to the current. Whether assisting with exam design work, item development, or item review, Ashley’s product, technical, and market space knowledge have been invaluable. Thank you, Ashley, for your help in making VMware’s Certification program best in class. VMware looks forward to Ashley’s future contributions.


What is your background and how did you start in the IT industry? 

I graduated from Kennesaw State University with a bachelor’s in Information Security back in 2014. While I was in my last year of the degree program, I got an internship at SAP, America. There, I did Technical Support for their mobile device management product, Afaria. That was my introduction to the whole concept of remote device management and working with cloud services. After a year and a half, I left to come to VMware, making a lateral transition to the AirWatch by VMware Technical Support team. I worked as a technical support engineer for another three years, working with all different levels of customer support—from enterprise-grade to federal; I loved the challenges overcame, people met, and experiences gained from my time on the frontline. I got the chance to move to the education team back at the end of 2017, making it two years since I’ve been a VMware Content Developer—building and designing customer and partner training content, specifically for Workspace ONE.


What do you think makes for a great testing experience?

Most of our well-learned experiences are a result of our failures. A huge proponent of the learning experience is the ability to test or apply the knowledge we’ve believed to acquire, helping to either reinforce the learning or correct it.


Why did you get involved in the Education Contributor program?

The first time I became involved was during an inter-department effort to better train new and existing TSEs on product architecture and troubleshooting. From there, I began prioritizing customer education by making efforts in my own department to write and publish knowledge-base articles. Once I eventually made the transition to the education team, I continued customer education efforts as a content developer.


What is the most desirable facet of the Education Contributor program?

I’ve really enjoyed participating in the whole certification tract. In my opinion, you know you’ve become a product expert when you’re invited by the exam development team to be a technical contributor. Overall, I feel more empowered than ever, as an education contributor, to improve both processes and content for customer and partner consumption.


How have you benefited from the program?

Not only have I gained the certifications I helped develop, but I’m now part of this network of other contributors, made up of both internal VMware colleagues and partner IT professionals. It’s been really helpful in my role as a content developer—having my network to rely on.


Fun Fact

In my off time, I participate in a lot of different hobbies. I draw cartoons, play video games, and I’m currently starting a podcast with my husband!


Learn more about VMware’s Education Contributor Program.