VMworld Hands-on Labs

Exploring Hands on Labs Portal: New Features


Just wanted to list out some of the very cool new features that the guys have been adding over the last few weeks.

Feature Name: SPEED-TEST (Experimental Mode)

This is got to be one of my favorite debugging self serve tools the guys are working on. I like it because it gives the user a way to determine how things are going relative to where they are taking a lab. We are still working the kinks out in this feature so please keep the feedback coming. You will need to log into your account, once you are in go to: https://www.projectnee.com/speed-test

Please remember in order to ensure you have a great lab experience you will need to have the following:

– 300 – 500 kb dedicated bandwidth connection per client

– Better than 200ms latency – pretty typical of most web applications now days.

We are looking to expand our datacenter footprint across the globe in the near future but for now we are serving labs out of North America (Washington)

Feature Name: “THE J TIMER”

This just came out and I have to say it is very fun to watch the clocks run as your lab gets provisioned. We use this feature to determine how things are going and to help our users get a sense of how much time it takes to build a lab in HOL. As a rule of thumb our labs will load roughly between 3 – 5 minutes if all things are going well. If you think about it, that is pretty amazing considering what is going on under the covers. The application is actually building a new vAPP with a fully provisioned vSphere / Cloud Infrastructure for you to explore. You can imagine how much fun our guys have when we compete with each others data centers  (we have multiple test data centers) Will tell you the story behind the name when we see you at VMworld 😉



Feature Name:  “Console Refresh”

You will find this feature once you start the lab, it works the same way a browser refresh button would work – If things are going wonky you can try hitting the refresh button and the console will come back – hopefully in a better state.


Feature Name:“Split My Screen”

Description: This feature lends itself more to when we are hosting labs at an event, this will allow a user to have two monitors; one for the display, the other for the lab manuals. The guys even created an option that lets you use your tablet to read the manual as you take the lab…