VMware Hands-on Labs VMworld Hands-on Labs

AirWatch HOL Released!

Today we are making the AirWatch Hands-On-Labs publically available.   You can access the lab by going to http://labs.hol.vmware.com/HOL/catalogs/lab/1924.  The AirWatch HOLs are designed to give you an introduction to AirWatch and Mobile Device Management (MDM).   If you are interested in reading more about AirWatch in general please visit our website at https://www.air-watch.com.   If you are unfamiliar with MDM and want to learn more, please check out this page http://www.air-watch.com/solutions/mobile-device-management for a brief introduction to Mobile Device Management.


This lab is broken up into three modules that can be done consecutively or independently.    If you are new to AirWatch and Mobile Device Management (MDM) then I strongly suggest you start with the first Module, Basic Enrollment and MDM Setup.   If you are currently using AirWatch and want to see how easy it is to integrate it with your corporate infrastructure then you can skip Module 1 and go to Module 2, Advanced MDM Using the AirWatch Cloud Connector.   Module 3 is designed to introduce you to the single device/multiple user concept which has many uses cases including schools, hospitals and more.


To do this lab you will need a mobile device.   The manuals are specifically written for Apple iOS devices.  An iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch will all work.   In the near future we will publish manuals for the Android profile but for now please stick with an iOS device.   If you are new to MDM and are concerned about using your device and what might happen to it during the lab then you are not alone.   This is very common for lab participants as well as employees of companies that are deploying AirWatch for the first time, especially in a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) scenario.   Rest assured that your device, your personal data and your applications that you have on the device prior to the lab will be left completely alone by AirWatch during the lab and after the lab is complete.   This is the beauty of AirWatch and MDM, we are able to add and remove settings, applications and content that are configured by the administrator all while leaving your personal information alone.


After completing the lab you may be interested in seeing and doing more.   If so, please visit the AirWatch website (https://www.air-watch.com) and sign up for a free trial.   This will give you the opportunity to try out all the functions of AirWatch for 30 days.