VMware Hands-on Labs

Announcing the Exciting New User Interface for VMware Hands-on Labs 

Written by Francisco Martinez and the VMware Lab Platform Team

Hello, esteemed users of VMware Hands-on Labs! 

We’ve got some thrilling news to share. If you’ve taken a Hands-on Labs recently, you might’ve noticed a fresh look and feel. That’s right—our user interface has undergone a major revamp, and it’s all designed with you in mind. 

What’s New? 

Easier Navigation and Enhanced Discoverability 

You can now effortlessly sort labs by name or age and filter them by catalog, products, tags, or badges. Finding the perfect lab has never been easier! 

A Modern Design 

Built on the VMware Clarity Design system, the updated UI not only looks good but also brings a sense of consistency across the VMware ecosystem. 

Favorites Feature 

By popular demand, you can now mark labs as ‘Favorites,’ making it quick and easy to return to labs you find particularly useful or interesting.  

Improved Search and Indexing 

Our search algorithms have been optimized, ensuring you find what you’re looking for faster and more accurately. 

Why The Change? 

Enhancing Your Learning Experience: This isn’t just a cosmetic update. The improvements aim to enhance your learning experience, making it more intuitive and interactive. The new design is intended to help you navigate through different labs efficiently, allowing you to focus more on learning and less on figuring out how to get things to work. 

Consistency Across Platforms: By aligning the Hands-on Labs UI with other VMware products, we’re striving for a seamless experience, irrespective of what you’re using. 

Accessibility: The modern UI brings improved accessibility features, ensuring an inclusive learning environment for all. 

Anticipating the Future: With these updates, we’re laying the groundwork for even more exciting features and capabilities that you’ll see in the coming months. 

Final Thoughts 

The essence of VMware Hands-on Labs and the VMware Learning Platform has always been to facilitate a quick, accessible, and meaningful learning experience. Whether you’re here to conduct risk-free experiments in sandboxed environments, or you’re looking to understand real-world applications of VMware solutions, our mission remains the same: to empower you. 

These UI updates represent a commitment to that mission. As ever, your feedback is not just welcomed; it’s vital. So please, let us know what you think of the new interface. 

With 100+ Labs to choose from, we invite you to try the new UI now: Explore Our Labs  

Happy Learning! 

The VMware Hands-on Labs Team 

If you have a comment or request, contact us at  [email protected]   
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