VMworld Hands-on Labs

The VMware Hands-on Labs in the Land Down Under

Greetings from the Australia Technology Park in Sydney Australia! The Hands-on Labs have gone “Down Under” this week for VMware Partner Exchange.

The Technology Park here in Sydney is an awesome venue that has been constructed within the locomotive shops that have occupied the site since the 19th century. The juxtaposition of a 100-year-old steam boiler with the latest tech start-ups really is inspiring. They have preserved the history of the site while supporting the innovators of the future.


The lobby of the Innovations Centre. A perfect fusion of historical and modern innovation.

We have brought the full catalog of VMware Hands-on Labs to Partner Exchange in Sydney. Folks arrived at 9 AM this morning, ready to experience our latest solutions. We are running 40 Samsung zero client systems attached to a VMware View pool on the other side of the Pacific Ocean. The lab room has been busy all day and the complete VMware experience from Cloud to Desktop is on display.

Big thanks to Andrew Mitchell who has coordinated the labs on our tour through APAC this year. We would also like to thank the lab proctors who are available to answer user questions. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

If you were not able to visit us in Sydney today, or have not had a chance to catch the VMware Hands-on Labs yet this year, be sure to register for our online Public Beta. The full lab catalog is available year-round via the Hands-on Labs Online portal. You can register for the public beta here.

There is a great deal of activity brewing in preparation for the new 2013 HOL Content Catalog. I am very excited about some of the things we will be sharing in the coming months. Stay tuned here for the latest VMware Hands-on Labs updates.

I’ll see you next when I get back stateside. Until then, enjoy the labs!