VMworld Hands-on Labs

August 1st Winners: Defy Convention Photo Contest – Hands on Labs


These have been extremely fun to be a part of and we have been amazed at the creativity you guys are showing – thanks so much for participating.

Our first winner really drove the point that he can and does take the labs anywhere,,, we had to limit the number of photos but we can tell you Jay really takes his labs very seriously.  Jay be sure to swing by the labs during VMworld we sure would like to shake your hand.

Title: My Grocery List: Apples, Asparagus, Grapes, Beer, and Hands-on Labs

Author: Jay W.

Our Second Winner is…

We really liked Krishna’s photo as it reminded all of us that after a long day of fighting fires there are places where you can go and have your moment of peace. Krishna you will have to take us to this bar next time we are down under.

Title: Winding down after a long day

Author: Krishna V.


A huge thanks to everyone out there that participated – I wish we had conference passes for everyone but Annie would kill us….

