
July 1st Winners: Defy Convention Photo Contest Hands on Labs


You did not make it easy for us to decide on our winners for this months contest – we debated over these for hours…  Thank you for participating – for folks out there we still have the month of July to submit your photos for the August 1st announce date. Please contact us for information on how to claim your passes.

If you do not have an an account: Hands on Labs Registration

Thanks again !

The winners are…

Name: Dan Muhr @Geekoolaid

Title: “Going over the check list before baby arrives,,, “

We picked this one because Dan is going to be in so much trouble when your wife sees that you submitted a picture of you taking labs after you had your baby.  Congratulations on your new baby and see you at VMworld San Francisco

Name: Mike Compton

Title: Brushing up on Labs at the Dentist

We liked this photo because its just plain wrong, wrong but it really made us laugh. This even made us wonder if we pushed this contest too far.  Very creative Mike – please be sure to thank your dentist – she looks very patient.

Honorable Mentions

We just could not resist – these photos were fun, and just could not say no. Please contact me directly to learn more about your secret prizes (sound of me scrambling through our T-shirt drawer, and TradeShow giveaways in the background)

Name: Mr. Matt

Title: What is the hold up ?  Labs in a Patrol Car

We liked this one because its nice to see the view from the other side – very creative and original Matt.

Name: Kirk Shaffer

Title: Multi Tasking – next generation Cloud experts

This photo was just way to cute to pass up – thank you for submitting it.


Name: Dunc_James

Title: Just Chillen’

We liked this photo because the ice cream looks really good and you actually have a lab running with your Run T Shirt


Name: Jay Weinshenker

Title: The best thing about taking the car to the repair shop

We liked this photo because it sparked a lot of discussion on what you can actually do while your car is in the repair shop.