VMworld Hands-on Labs

Hello World – VMware Hands on Labs Official Blog


We are very happy to announce our Official Hands on Labs Blog dedicated to all things Hands-on Labs. As you might have already seen we have just released the 2012 Catalog Lab Abstracts for VMworld with 30 + new and exciting labs for our users.

So when will the labs be Online?
I wanted to get this out before you asked. We have been running a private beta for our Hands on Labs Online over the last few months and will be launching our Public Beta right after VMworld US. For folks that were part of the Private Beta we thank you very much for your feedback and patience and you will be the first ones on the Public Beta List. We will be opening up registrations shortly so please stay tuned.

How to get involved ? We need your feedback as we venture in the brave new world of running labs as a cloud service – running this service for us is very much like fixing the airplane as it is in the air – we hope to get it right the first time around and always look forward to your feedback to get it perfect- these labs are for you.

The three things we need you to do:

  1. Check our blog for updates as we get closer to release
  2. Join our VMTN Community http://vmware.com/go/hol
  3. Follow us @VMwareHOL

We are looking forward to an exciting 2H2012 and happy to be opening up our labs to the world !

See you at VMworld !

Pablo Roesch
