Business Continuity

Free Listen: “Smartphones but Dumb Apps” on the Echo ONE Podcast

Ever wonder: why do we have smartphones, but dumb apps?

The hard truth that IT knows all too well is: If you build it, they may not come.

Blake Brannon joins the Echo ONE technology podcast to delve into the current business app ecosystem, the consumerization of IT and why users continue to demand more from mobile experiences. We explore a new movement that brings the consumer experience into the way work gets done, without sacrificing the productivity and security needs of the enterprise.

Subscribe and listen on SoundCloud, iTunes and Google Play Music.

This episode’s highlights:

  • Exploring Windows 10 and Microsoft’s “universal apps” vision
  • Google’s best practices for Android app development
  • How technology is intersecting personal and professional to make what Blake calls “mobile moments”
  • The security needed to make it all work safely and protect corporate IP
  • If you build it, they won’t come: time to focus on end-user experience when developing corporate apps

Have more questions about the tech that makes the digital workspace work? Connect with Blake on Twitter @blakebrannon or tweet the show using #EchoONE. We could even feature your tweet on an upcoming episode of this technology podcast.

You can also get all the latest digital workspace, mobility, virtualization and tech news at

To learn more about this episode’s sponsor, VMware Identity Manager, an Identity-as-a-Service (IDaaS) offering that provides application provisioning, self-service catalog, conditional access controls and single sign-on, please visit