Business Continuity

VMware Survey Points to Hybrid Cloud EUC Future

Earlier this year, VMware surveyed 1,021 IT professionals, influencers and decision-makers, from small businesses to large enterprises across more than 10 industries. We asked all of them: What is your long-term end-user computing (EUC) strategy for the cloud?

Today, we have the results in our new flipbook, Work Rises to the Cloud: End-User Computing Survey Reveals Rising Demands for Hybridity and Better End-User Experiences.

Download the EUC Cloud Survey

Businesses Want the Best of Both Worlds: On Premises and in the Cloud

“No-cloud” policy? No way.

That’s the prediction technology research firm Gartner just made in June. By 2020 a “no-cloud” policy will be as rare as a “no-internet” policy at work, and that shift to cloud technology will impact more than $1 trillion of IT’s spend in the next five years.

This doesn’t mean every business will operate only in the cloud or even adopt a cloud-first strategy right away. According to our new survey, most businesses are embracing a hybrid cloud infrastructure for EUC.

Respondents overwhelmingly said their companies’ long-term direction involves a mix of cloud-based and on-premises EUC solutions:

  • 76% for enterprise mobility management (EMM)
  • 83% for application publishing
  • 79% for desktop virtualization

Hybrid Cloud EUC Survey

Of course, all of the common concerns about the cloud still exist. Surveyed participants confirmed that security, by far, is the top barrier holding their company back from greater adoption of cloud-based EUC solutions. Concerns about the loss of control and performance of cloud technology play a role, and companies are also holding back due to existing on-premises investments and in fear of increased costs.

Cloud-Based EUC Concerns

However, a hybrid cloud strategy provides companies all of the emerging benefits of the cloud with all of the proven security of on-premises technology. Benefits like higher availability, less maintenance and improved scalability ranked as the top factors driving cloud-based EUC adoption.

Survey: High availability, less maintenance and improved scalability top benefits of cloud EUC. [Tweet This]

How Does Your Company’s Cloud Strategy Compare?

Download the survey here for the full results:

  • See how your company’s cloud adoption stage and cloud vs. on-premises mix compares to others.
  • Learn how company size impacts EUC cloud purchases.
  • Understand how decision-makers are most commonly using cloud-based EMM.
  • Find out who’s driving adoption of cloud-hosted desktops and applications more than CIOs.

All surveyed participants are global members of the VMware User Group (VMUG), the largest independent organization for virtualization users. Gain invaluable insights about the future of the cloud in EUC from this diverse, customer-led user group so you can make more informed decisions within your own organization.

Download the Survey