Business Continuity

VMware Takes on Internet of Things at #VMworld 2016

By Mimi Spier, senior director of marketing and strategy for the Internet of Things (IoT) at VMware

Internet of Things at VMworld 2016

Add a little edge to your VMworld schedule with Internet of Things demos and keynotes.

Like me, I hope you are excited and ready for VMworld 2016, VMware’s premiere annual conference in Las Vegas,‪ Aug. 28–Sept. 1! In addition to the keynote addresses, breakout sessions, group discussions and expert panels from our OEM and technology partners, this year there will be something new and exciting in store for the anticipated 23,000 VMworld attendees. VMware, and partners, will unveil an Internet of Things (IoT) solution and strategy to accelerate your journey to digital transformation.

Read the press release: VMware Announces Alliances and Strategies for the Internet of Things.

IDC predicts IoT will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of more than 19% through 2020, which is clearly a game-changer. As a result, companies in every industry are jumping at the opportunity to get started on their IoT projects with exciting use cases to create new value.

While IT departments begin to adopt IoT, one of the core challenges they face is managing the convergence of informational technology (IT) and operational technology (OT). VMware has been instrumental in equipping IT with the proper infrastructure necessary to keep businesses running without disruptions. With key industry-leading IoT partners, VMware is taking on the challenge of bridging the gap between the OT and IT worlds and extending expertise in the data center and device management out to the edge where IoT resides.

IoT @ VMworld 2016

If you are attending VMworld, make a point to visit the Internet of Things Experience zone. Within this pavilion, we will have several pods showing live demos with augmented reality experiences to bring alive workflows across a variety of industries. Apart from showcasing VMware’s IoT strategy across industries, these demos will also demonstrate how companies could manage, monitor, secure and harness IoT devices across the enterprise value chain and drive innovation in their businesses. Here are just a few to pique your interest:

  • Smart Factory: Forget the old style of manufacturing with manual labor and learn how to supercharge your manufacturing processes by having granular control over factory robots.
  • Internet of Fizz: If you want to automate the management and monitoring of freestyle vending machines remotely and in real time, definitely check out this demo.
  • Connected Driver: Curious about the future of the auto industry? Watch the Connected Driver demo to find out how IoT will transform your car into a device on wheels with safer, smarter and more personalized experiences.
  • Connected Healthcare: Did you know that every year, patient non-adherence to doctors’ prescription guidelines costs the U.S. healthcare system $290 billion? Learn how IoT can transform the healthcare industry by empowering patient self-care through prescription monitoring and adherence.

Seeing these demos from VMware and partners may kick-start your imagination about how you might implement a certain IoT use case in your own business. This is also your opportunity to meet with the IoT experts and industry partners to learn the latest in IoT technologies.

IoT Industry Demos

‪Here are some other IoT events to note:

  • Tuesday, Aug. 30, at 9 a.m., Executive VP and GM of End-User Computing Sanjay Poonen will highlight VMware’s IoT vision and execution strategy in a keynote address and how IoT fits into the company’s overall strategy by leveraging its core strength.
  • Tuesday, Aug. 30 at 3:30 p.m., be the first to hear about VMware’s IoT strategy in our spotlight session, Get Ahead of the IoT Curve. Also, learn about practical customer examples, see a demo in action and get tips for success from partners and customers!
  • Also of particular interest are a series of Industry Round Table presentations, which will address the topic of how to put IoT to work in your industry by helping you develop a compelling solution to make your IoT use cases a reality.

Finally, to help get started with your IoT journey, VMware, with select partners, is offering an Early Adopter program for qualifying companies. This program is designed for success with a three-month proof-of-concept completion, based on your use cases and the option to be a beta customer. We would like to invite you and your team to a strategy session to discuss your IoT Strategy. Please contact Mimi Spier, head of business development/GTM, if you are interested at

Come join the IoT conversation at #VMworld 2016. See you there!