Business Continuity

Every Business Is a Digital Business. So What’s Next?

In 2013, the phrase “every business is a digital business” sparked an “aha!” moment for every company, across every industry. Two years later, where are we now? As companies reach digital maturity, what’s next?

The digital transformation isn’t over, yet, according to Sanjay Poonen, executive vice president and general manager of End-User Computing at VMware. Here’s what he said he expects to see next.

Every Workspace Is a Digital Workspace

Digital transformation is no longer just about maintaining an online presence, putting an app to a product or buying new technology for the office. Now, digital disrupters are the ones evolving processes and workplaces themselves into completely digital workspaces.

“People are really embracing this notion of a digital workplace,” said Sanjay. “Processes are going to move from paper to digital.”

The digital workspace isn’t simply an enterprise buzzword but a truly transformative concept for industries across the board: transportation, healthcare, finance, retail, government, education, etc. And it’s because the digital workspace is so transformative and universally applicable that Sanjay calls it the new phase of end-user computing.

Every Machine Is a Connected Machine

Sanjay also expects the next wave of innovation in end-user computing to create entirely new technologies out of ordinary machines. Between growing interest from industries like medical device companies and automotive giants, he predicts an explosion in the Internet of Things (IoT) just around the corner.

“That frontier, we’re just on the cusp of it, and we think we’re in the best position to be able to nail that frontier, too,” he said.

VMware is a company committed to engineering quality, product innovation and customer satisfaction, Sanjay added. That company mentality is what primes VMware End User Computing to scale and lead the market as the digital, connected business grows—and changes again.