News & Highlights

Structuring the best cloud approach

Listen to Episode Six of the new Digital Journeys podcast ‘Future Ready’ series. Thought provoking and entertaining, but above all, actionable insights brought to you by VMware and 3rd party industry voices.

How do you build a Multi-Cloud and Hybrid infrastructure to meet the needs of your organisation today and into the future?

In our previous episodes in this series, we’ve discussed how companies and organisations have navigated through the challenges of the current global pandemic, moving from reactive mode, through a consolidation phase and back into accelerating digital transformation. Depending on the scale of the crisis and the impact on the organisation, this can last days, weeks or months, and we’ve certainly seen a range of responses amongst our customers over the course of this year.

In this episode, we leave the why and what behind, and focus on the how. How do you build a modern private cloud – or modernise your existing datacenter to incorporate cloud technologies. And, given that most organisations are already using multiple cloud providers, we’ll look at how best to integrate those resources into the overall pool available to the organisation, without creating newer, bigger silos.

In this episode, Rory is joined by Katherine Skilling, Staff Consultant in our Northern EMEA Professional Services Team, and Martijn Baecke, who is VMware’s Cloud Technologist for EMEA.

Episode 6: Structuring the best cloud approach


Episode 1: Are you ‘Future Ready’?
How to respond quickly to a crisis, accelerate innovation and be Future Ready

Episode 2: Moving Beyond Crisis
Building foundations for growth and continuity

Episode 3: Winning in the market
Innovation and digital transformation to compete: a digital-first model for IT and business

Episode 4: Applications driving digital transformation
Evolving platforms and technologies to build, run and manage the next generation of applications

Episode 5: New models for remote working
Balancing productivity with safety as people return to physical locations


Episode 7: Why do Digital Transformation projects fail?
70% of Digital Transformation projects fail. What happens when your project is one of the 70%?

Episode 8: At the sharp end
Stories from a Systems Integrator

Episode 9: A day in the life
Digital Transformation at a business level. Stories from a Customer

Episode 10: VMware’s internal Future Ready story
How VMware responded to the pandemic internally

If you want to know more about the themes discussed in this episode, here’s a great list of resources you can access: