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A Solution to the IT Skills Gap: Professional Development Programs

According to IDC, companies worldwide are expected to lose more than $755 million by 2022 due to the IT skills gap. Faced with accelerated digital transformation and shifting IT demands, addressing this gap is paramount to prevent costly setbacks and promote a sustainable business.

Further, professional training programs have demonstrated their ability to improve IT workforce productivity, satisfaction, and career development. Estimates show that highly proficient teams responsible for critical IT functions are almost 20% more productive than less experienced staff.

Training programs such as virtual instructor-led training (v-ILT) and learning subscriptions are gaining popularity amongst IT professionals due to their unique value in providing a unique yet flexible learning experience. By fostering an advanced learning culture through a well-thought-out learning program, IT professionals worldwide can start closing the skills gap and pursue a more meaningful career.

Take a look at the infographic below for more information on why training matters in the IT industry and how it impacts professional development.