Certification Career Development IT Education Training

Updates to VMware Certifications

Last year we announced the implementation of our new certification name changes, where the year will be used to identify when the certification was earned. This change was intended to make it easier for certification holders and potential employers to immediately identify how current a holder’s certification is. Click here to review the FAQ. To continue aligning with this change and enable you, as a certification holder, to better show your most recent certification, we are announcing today the changes made to our Certifications and Exams Catalog.


The combination of exam and certification names and versions allows you to show when and on what you have validated your expertise. Exam names show the product version on which you certified, and the certification names will show when you passed all requirements and earned the certification. You can download and share a copy of your transcript and record in Certification Manager.


Starting today, August 1, 2019, our certifications that contained the year 2018 in their naming convention are now updated to 2019. The trainings and exams qualifying for these certifications may remain the same, but now reflect when you passed the requirement, and new exam and training content will continue to be added and replace older content throughout the year. We have also retired our older version certifications that have been replaced by a newer version. To view our Retired Certifications & Exams click here.