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Customer Success

Introducing Technical Adoption Management: A Game-Changing Enhancement to our Customer Success Offers

At VMware, we want to make sure you get the greatest possible value out of your technology investments. Our team is constantly working on new and better ways to support you and to help you achieve your goals faster and more efficiently. That’s why we’re excited to announce Technical Adoption Management, an updated service model that’s now included within VMware Success 360.

So what does this mean for you?

Technical Adoption Management Services is replacing Technical Account Management Services. We’re adding success planning to our repertoire for a more holistic approach to help you achieve your outcomes even more quickly. What’s not changing are all the benefits you’ve grown to love, like technical planning sessions, proactive technology assessments, road mapping, operation optimization, and VMware strategic project guidance. Your Technical Adoption Manager is your advocate and expert who partners with your team and will continue to help you maximize your investments while identifying cost savings and efficiency improvements. Your Technical Adoption Manager will continue to help you maximize your investments by reducing costs and increasing efficiency.

Here’s a quick rundown of all the features you can access in the updated Technical Adoption Management Services:

  • Technical Adoption Manager (TAM): We provide you with a technology expert who becomes an extension of your team, offering guidance and advocating on your behalf. You’ll be able to choose the expertise you will get in your TAM, either multi-cloud, end-user-computing, or network and security.
  • Success Planning: We work closely with you to figure out your business and IT outcomes, and offer tailored recommendations for technical capabilities and activities needed for success. Besides collaborating with you to create a personalized success plan, we’ll monitor and review your progress regularly to help keep you on track. 
  • Technology Assessment: Our team dives deep into your tech setup to identify any gaps that might be holding you back, and offers prioritized recommendations for improvement.
  • Solution Guidance: Together, we develop your future state roadmap to advance your technology objectives, based on an assessment of your current capabilities and goals.
  • Operational Optimization: We provide recommendations to improve efficiency, resiliency, security, and sustainability in your operations, ensuring top-notch performance and alignment with your objectives.
  • Peer Insights: We leverage our extensive experience and product team guidance to compare your operations and processes against the best practices of similar organizations, to help you drive continuous improvement and innovation.

VMware Success 360 combines the best of both!

VMware Success 360 is now even better because we’ve added Technical Adoption Management to the offer.

VMware Success 360 is now even better because we’ve added Technical Adoption Management to the offer. Click To Tweet

You’ll still enjoy your favorite features, like accelerators, 24/7 access to digital learning, and prioritized, proactive support. But the addition of Technical Adoption Management is a significant milestone in our commitment to helping you succeed with your VMware investments.

Everything described above in our Technical Adoption Management Services is now embedded within VMware Success 360. By providing a seamless, integrated experience tailored to your unique needs, we’re supporting and empowering you to drive innovation, growth, and long-term success for your organization.

Available together or standalone

If you’re a longtime customer, don’t worry. Even though Technical Adoption Management is included within VMware Success 360, Technical Adoption Management Services will continue to be sold as a standalone offer for multi-cloud, end-user computing, network and security, and virtual remote. We believe in providing you with a range of tools and services, depending on the needs and complexity of your organization.

Would you ever want both?

Technical Adoption Management within VMware Success 360 includes up to 1 day per week in our Advanced edition and up to 2.5 days per week in our Enterprise edition. The TAM within VMware Success 360 has a multi-cloud focus, however, they also have a general understanding of all VMware technology so they’re able to help with all your supported products. But there are times when you might want additional Technical Adoption Management Services with VMware Success 360. For example, you might:

  • Want a deep technical expert for our end-user-computing or network and security technologies
  • Have multiple business units or geolocations that want to leverage the benefits of partnering with a TAM
  • Want to add more time for a multi-cloud TAM than your VMware Success 360 edition includes

And not to worry if you have both offers—all TAMs work together to ensure you have the best possible experience, with your VMware Success 360 TAM taking the lead.

We can’t wait to help you unlock the full potential of your VMware solutions. If you’re curious about how VMware can help your organization achieve its technology and business objectives, contact your VMware representative to learn more.