Young man / student using tablet computer in cafe
Technical Adoption Manager (TAM)

What Is TAM Lab?

TAM Lab is an initiative devised and run by the VMware Technical Account Management (TAM) community to deliver hands-on technical demonstrations (i.e. minimal slide presentations!) of VMware software in real-world scenarios. These videos are published for everyone on YouTube, with TAM customers getting preferential early access.

What makes TAM Lab videos special is that they are inspired by the real-world scenarios that TAM customers face so they are always relevant and interesting. Another great feature is rather than just being the usual lecture format, these are done with a live audience with questions and interactive dialogue throughout, which add value to the sessions and make them more enjoyable to watch.

What kind of sessions are run?

We have two types of sessions. The first type is the live sessions that are up to an hour long and have a live technical audience who can interact and ask questions, which gives them a nice community feel. The second type is TAM Lab Nano sessions that are up to 10 minutes long and are pre-recorded. Anyone in the global TAM community can present or record a session for the TAM Lab YouTube channel. At last count, we’ve had 190K views and over 25,000 hours of watch time!

What technologies are covered?

TAM Labs cover all kinds of technologies. Since the contributors are all Technical Account Managers, the technologies explored tend to be the ones that their customers are using. They demonstrate the kind of assistance Technical Account Managers have been providing. If you have an idea for a session, ask your Technical Account Manager to do a session, and we’ll get it published!

Are they just for TAM customers?

TAM customers get priority access. The videos are not made public; rather, TAMs share the links with their customers. After a period of time, normally 30 days, the videos are published and searchable in the main TAM Labs YouTube channel for everyone.

Who are VMware Technical Account Managers?

Technical Account Managers are highly technical professionals, and they provide a suite of services to customers that includes, but is not limited to, the following:

  • Technical consultancy
  • Best practice reviews and guidance
  • Operations optimizations
  • Customer advocacy
  • Issue avoidance/resolution
  • Roadmap assistance
  • Staff enablement

TAMs conduct a host of special enablement events including an invitation-only TAM Customer Central event at VMware Explore (previously known as VMworld). Technical Account Managers are 100% focused on helping our customers achieve their technology objectives, so it’s no surprise why our customers love partnering with them.

Would your organization benefit from the guidance of a Technical Account Manager? Speak to your VMware account representative to learn how Technical Account Management Services can help you achieve your objectives.