
Terraform VCD Provider 3.4.0

Autumn brings a new Terraform VMware Cloud Director Provider release – 3.4.0 with support for latest VCD 10.3.1. We’re continuing our NSX-T journey and providers are getting attention this time.

The beginning of NSX-T ALB configuration

This release brings in three NSX-T ALB configuration resources with corresponding data sources for providers that completely cover functionality of ALB management for providers to date:

  • vcd_nsxt_alb_controller
  • vcd_nsxt_alb_cloud
  • vcd_nsxt_alb_service_engine_group

Additionally, there is one more data source for lookup of NSX-T ALB Importable Cloud:

  • vcd_nsxt_alb_importable_cloud

Here’s an example with a complete setup of a Service Engine Group for providers:

Ready for 10.3 – NSX-T Segment backed External Network

VCD 10.3 added support for NSX-T External Network backed by a Segment and 3.4.0 is ready to consume it.

In prior versions Org VDC network resource vcd_nsxt_network_imported was the way to expose NSX-T Segment to VDC. That bound NSX-T Segment to a single VDC. The new Segment backed External Network option allows to share the same NSX-T Segment with multiple VDCs. One does it by at first creating an NSX-T Segment Backed External Network and then using  vcd_network_direct to expose it in VDCs as demonstrated in the example below:


In addition to new resources we also did some improvements and fixes for existing codebase:

  • It is now possible to add and remove storage profiles without replacing the VDC when using resource vcd_org_vdc.
  • Resource vcd_catalog deletion is improved to handle failures better.


Documentation got some attention in this release.

  • Migration to Terraform registry made some documentation links broken, and they are now fixed.
  • Thanks to community contribution – we now have HCL examples in documentation adjusted to newer Terraform syntax and formatted properly.

More information

As usual there is more than that – here’s the link to [complete changelog].(https://github.com/vmware/terraform-provider-vcd/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md#340-september-30-2021).