VMware Zero Carbon Committed Cloud Verified VMware Cloud Provider

Flip Forward to a More Sustainable World with the VMware Zero Carbon Committed Initiative

Authored by the VMware Zero Carbon Committed Team

While Earth Month was in April, it’s important to think about our environmental impact every day. At VMware, we have a longstanding commitment to sustainability. In 2018, we achieved carbon neutrality two years ahead of our original goal. However, action is much more powerful when it’s collective.

How can you join us in fostering a more sustainable, resilient world? Let us introduce you to the VMware Zero Carbon Committed Initiative™.

The VMware Zero Carbon Committed Initiative 

VMware Zero Carbon Committed providers set goals to power their data centers with 100% renewable energy or achieve carbon neutrality on or before 2030. These providers are also VMware Cloud Verified, using the full VMware Cloud infrastructure to provide unparalleled and energy-efficient cloud services to their customers.

Launched in 2021, the Zero Carbon Committed Initiative has two key goals that work hand in hand:

  • Help customers reach their sustainability and decarbonization goals by connecting them with cloud providers that have aligned goals.
  • Catalyze the transition to a zero carbon internet through our partnerships with public cloud partners.

As a partner, when you join the Zero Carbon Committed program, you not only send a message of commitment to the environment and technical innovation, but you also gain access to the growing market of businesses that are setting zero-carbon goals.

The Growing Demand for Low-Carbon Cloud Services

To date, more than 4,000 global companies spanning all sectors, including many VMware customers, are taking action and committing to science-based targets to reduce greenhouse emissions in their operations and supply chains in their efforts to reach net-zero carbon by 2050.1

These companies are seeking suppliers with low-carbon solutions to help them achieve these goals. In fact, according to Aberdeen Strategy and Research, these companies are 2.5x more likely than their peers to say that a top criterion in selecting a cloud solution is that the provider has set sustainability goals.2

Beyond corporations, we’re also seeing a global push by governments toward low-carbon economies that will further drive demand. To date, more than 70 countries have committed to Net Zero Carbon goals.3

Of course, goals must be backed up by credible action. Together with our VMware Cloud Verified partners, we’re making it easier for these companies to reach their goals.

The Perspective of Sustainable IT Thought Leaders

Speaking of credible action, what do experts in sustainable IT think of the Zero Carbon Committed Initiative? 

Zero Carbon Committed Initiative: Partnering for a Better Future

As time flips forward, we seek to help our cloud partners achieve meaningful business growth as we move toward a sustainable future. 

To learn about benefits such as VMware promotional support, how to define and execute a zero-carbon emissions strategy, and the steps to becoming a VMware Zero Carbon Committed partner, visit our Zero Carbon Committed Initiative page.

  1. Science Based Targets https://sciencebasedtargets.org/  
  2. Aberdeen Strategy and Research The Market for Sustainability in the Cloud is Here
  3. United Nations Climate Action https://www.un.org/en/climatechange/net-zero-coalition