Feature Friday App Launchpad

Feature Friday Episode 97 – App LaunchPad SaaS

Feature Friday

Welcome to episode 97! This week I’m joined by Sachi Bhatt to cover the new App Launchpad SaaS product. App Launchpad has been available for Cloud Director clouds for a couple of years and delivers a great application platform as a service experience for your Cloud Director Tenants. But with multiple versions of App Launchpad, there were catalogue sync challenges. App Launchpad didn’t cover non-Cloud Director clouds, making it a challenge to deliver a sustainable catalog to any VMware Cloud environment. App Launchpad application platform is now available as a SaaS solution managed by VMware and zero-cost MSP contract via Cloud Partner Navigator.

Join Sachi and me to walk though the new App Launchpad SaaS service and see how easy it is to now provide a global catalog of application services, VM or Container-based, VMware Cloud Marketplace apps and custom/ISV applications. The great news is that this can work with your existing on-premises App Launchpad instances, delivering support for secure environments and global catalog management across all VMware-based public clouds and non-Cloud Director clouds, including VMware Cloud on AWS and private vCenter-based cloud instances.