VMware Cloud Provider VMware vCloud Usage Meter

Upgrade to Usage Meter and Avoid Potential Business Disruption

We want to announce that VMware vCloud Usage Meter is GA as of May 23, 2022! This is a patch release to fix an important issue with some cron jobs and watchdog in the UM 4.5 appliance that can affect your monthly metering.  

Situation: Usage Meter 4.5 Bug

VMware has identified an issue in the 4.5 release that can result in the Usage Meter appliance no longer being able to meter products. 

Action: Usage Meter Fix
VMware has swiftly released a patch and we strongly recommend that the partners upgrade their appliances from 4.5 to

Solution: Upgrade ASAP
Upgrading your Usage Meter from UM 4.5 to UM as soon as possible will avoid any metering/reporting issues, ensuring your business and payments keep running smoothly. Please click here to follow the instructions on how to download the latest patch.

Usage Meter 4.5 will no longer be downloaded after the release of Usage Meter It will be stopped from downloading from Customer Connect, and soon after that will be out of support. 

For a better understanding of the issues in Usage Meter 4.5 and how to upgrade to the latest patch, read the blog here. You can also find the release notes for Usage Meter here.

Other General Reminders:

  1. Usage Meter 4.4 no longer has general support
  2. Price protection for legacy bundles will end after June 2022. So from that day onwards, all usage will be Flex related
  3. Since UM 3.6.1, UM 4.1, and UM 4.2 are officially no longer supported in any capacity, the PUG was updated to reflect that UM 4.4 and higher are required by partners for monthly reporting. Ideally, migrate to UM to save yourself the hassle of upgrading again soon

If you need any additional assistance or guidance, take a look at the following options: