Tanzu mini series
Tanzu Kubernetes Grid multi-cloud
Welcome to episode 72 – today we are adding to our mini series with TKGm – this episode being about the key differences between TKGs and TKGm and what options this opens up for our cloud provider partners.
TKGm brings the same kubernetes control and capabilities to any cloud, whether in native Hyper-scale; Azure, Google, AWS or VMware. The multi-cloud capability is really controlled and enabled with the networking architecture that TKGm supports, meaning that kubernetes workloads and traditional VM workloads can exist on the same customer context layer 2 network as apposed to TKGs where all of the networking needed to be defined out side of Cloud Director, in NSX and limited load balancing was available in a multi-cloud, multi-tenant scenario.
If you are delivering Cloud Director services, the advise is to use TKGm as this provides much more functionality and NSX Advanced load balancer for layer 4 load balancing containers and VMs. With TKGm you do need the CSE server plugin (available from GitHub), and the CSE UI that is available in Cloud Director 10.3 and above.
Join Gerrit, Stefan, Joerg and myself as we walk through the TKGm components, examine the architecture and optional reporting and metering that you need to deliver an operational Kubernetes Container cluster as a Service solution.