VMware Cloud Provider

VCPP Hackathon 2021 – LATAM Edition

Welcome to our very first VCPP Hackathon event during 2021 (scheduled for May 17, 2021), which is restricted to some strategic Accounts under VCPP – LATAM Geo, focused on trendy topics like Developer-Ready Clouds.

During this event, we will generate a managed environment for each attendant, based on Hackathon-style methodology, where each person will validate emerging use cases under our Cloud Providers (VCPP) program, immersed under individual-basis, highly interactive Hands-on learning experience.

Among the topics that we will go over during this first event:

  • Platform as a Service: Integration with VMware Marketplace, including support to the Bitnami Catalog, Helm Charts and the ability to generate your own PaaS Catalog.

As pre-requisite, each invitee would need previously review both, the material suggested under Feature Fridays as well as the official documentation for each product (see Resources section below). As part f the event, we will provide you with the proper Lab Information in detail, including how to use our VMware Learning Platform.

Resources (Pre-requisites):