VMware Cloud Director Feature Friday

Feature Friday Episode 46 – VMware Cloud Director 10.2.2 update

Wow! Episode 46 – almost a whole year of content! Keep an eye out for episode 52, we will try to do something special for it!

As you know each week we will release a new video covering a different topic in more depth. The content will be mostly technical but will also cover services that are feasible with the features. Keep an eye out on this blog site to see when a new video is released.

This week I’m joined by In this episode I’m joined by Joerg Lew to discuss the updates in VMware Cloud Director 10.2.2. This release is rather feature packed; there are some great time saving capabilities like Global Placement policies, operational management enhancements with SNMP, operational usage improvements in Guided Tours to name just some!

Watch this Feature Friday here to find out more.