App Launchpad Cloud Services

Developer Ready Clouds for VMware Cloud Providers: Bitnami content is free for Cloud Provider partners

 Bitnami content on VMware Marketplace

Starting Nov 2, 2020, Bitnami content (what used to be called Bitnami Community Catalog) is available for free for VMware Cloud Providers via VMware Marketplace. Cloud Provider partners do not need MSP Commit Contracts to access Bitnami content. VMware Marketplace is accessible as a service tile on the Cloud Partner Navigator (CPHub) within a partner org. Bitnami content is available through VMware Marketplace tile. Any Bitnami application is downloadable onto VCD, vCenter, and VMC end-points, where tenants can easily access them.

VMware Tanzu Application Catalog (TAC), when available through Cloud Provider Program, is not free.


Accessing Bitnami on VMware Marketplace:

For active partners on Cloud Partner Navigator, the VMware Marketplace tile is readily available to access Bitnami. These MSPs can also access other ISV offerings on Cloud Partner Navigator. Alternatively, for partners who are new to Cloud Provider Navigator (are only VMware Cloud Provider Rental/Subscription customers), Figure 1 describes the process to request access to Bitnami content on VMware Cloud Partner Navigator.

Bitnami Marketplace Access Process

Figure 1: Process to Request Access to Bitnami Content on VMware Cloud Partner Navigator

If you have any questions about accessing VMware Marketplace, please feel free to reach out to your VMware rep.


Bitnami container images and Helm Charts:

In addition to Bitnami content being available for free, container images and Helm chart repositories from Bitnami’s 130+ open source components are also available on VMware Cloud Director’s (10.2) App Launchpad. App Launchpad (ALP) is a plug-in for VMware Cloud Director™ that provides catalogs of deployment-ready applications for developers and DevOps engineers. With App Launchpad, one can deploy a full stack of applications to VMware Cloud Director without having to manage the underlying infrastructure. The latest version App Launchpad 2.0 (ALP 2.0) is GA now with support for container applications and Helm charts. With ALP 2.0 and VCD 10.2 supporting multi-tenant container and Kubernetes deployments, it is easier than ever for developers to deploy container applications without having to manage the underlying infrastructure.

 With VMware Tanzu on VCD, Cloud Providers offer containers as a service, and now with Bitnami container images they can move beyond IaaS and offer cloud-native application services. The combination of Bitnami and VMware Tanzu Kubernetes offerings allows VCPP Cloud Providers to expand their multi-cloud services portfolio.  Cloud Providers can now address the needs of Developers and DevOps and therefore attract new workloads, such as Test/Dev environments, onto their clouds. Developers expend a significant effort in getting all the open-source components in one environment. VCD, Tanzu, and Bitnami make it easier for developers to focus on their innovative applications. Developers access the most up to date tools and simplified container infrastructure in a secure environment.  Developers build their prototypes quickly with Bitnami and have a faster path to deploying them in production environments.


Here is a demo that shows App Launchpad 2.0 on VCD 10.2 accessing and provisioning Bitnami container images on VMware Tanzu Kubernetes clusters.


Key Takeaways:

  • Bitnami content (what used to be Bitnami Community Catalog) is now free for Cloud Provider partners
  • VMware Cloud Director 10.2 and App Launchpad 2.0 now support Bitnami container images and Helm charts. Cloud Providers can now easily offer managed cloud-native application services along with their managed containers-as-a-service with VMware Tanzu.


We are excited about these new offerings on Bitnami, VMware Cloud Director, and App Launchpad.  We are continuously focused on innovating and improving our products and services for Cloud Provider partners. These new offerings help them grow faster by expanding their managed services portfolio. We will continue posting new technical and product information on our VMware Cloud Provider blogs.  Join us by following the blog directly using the RSS feed, on Facebook, LinkedIn, and on Twitter, and by visiting our YouTube channel too.


As always, thank you, and please stay safe and healthy.