VMware Cloud Partner Navigator Cloud Services Managed Service Provider

New Unified Partner Platform: VMware Cloud Partner Navigator 

We are excited to announce VMware Cloud Partner Navigator, a unified platform for Cloud Providers and Managed Service Provider partners designed to expand your business with simplified delivery of multi-cloud services. Cloud Partner Navigator will enable partners to grow beyond their own cloud, simplifying consumption of Infrastructure as a Service (IAAS) on public clouds as well as deliver a growing set of cross-cloud services. The solution will help simplify multi-cloud operations by centralizing management, standardizing automation, and streamlining common back office operations.

End customers will benefit from a modern cloud experience, enjoy easier, predictable access to multi-cloud services, and gain a high degree of control through self-service capabilities.

VMware Cloud Partner Navigator is a huge next step in our strategy to provide powerful tools to all types of partners. Read on for more of the details behind one of our biggest launches in years!

Expand Business with Any Cloud, Any Service

Our long-term vision for Navigator is simple: deliver a flexible solution that can help Cloud Providers and Managed Service Providers connect their customers to any cloud and any service.


Any Cloud. We see partners evolving from building and owning clouds – which has historically been our focus – to expanding their offerings with VMware-based public clouds and managed services on public clouds. VMware-based clouds now span not only our 4,000+ cloud providers but every major public cloud. We want to help partners expand beyond their own cloud when needed, while maximizing value from their own clouds and existing skillsets.

Any Service. Complementing the IaaS flexibility, equally important is providing a unified approach to easily and rapidly deliver cloud services to address dynamic customer needs. Cloud Partner Navigator brings together the expanding VMware Cloud service portfolio and also opens up VMware Marketplace with 3rd party solutions to partners as well as enabling them to bring their own custom in-house apps to their customers

Accelerate Value by Delivering Key Services to Customers

VMware Cloud Partner Navigator will focus on helping partners in three key areas: multi-cloud business expansion, simplified operations, and enhanced customer flexibility.

Benefits of Cloud Partner Navigator

  • Multi-Cloud Business Expansion: A major focus of Cloud Partner Navigator is helping partners go beyond their own clouds with access to new IaaS and cloud services. The initial launch of Navigator will support provider’s VMware Cloud Director clouds, VMware Cloud on AWS (standalone and through VMware Cloud Director service), and on-premises environments managed by Cloud Director. Cloud Partner Navigator makes it easy to offer VMware Cloud Director service, delivering the same capabilities of VMware Cloud Director on elastic public cloud infrastructure for rapid use cases like geographic expansion and data center extension. In addition, the growing set of MSP services currently available on Cloud Provider Hub are supported to complement IaaS with solutions like cost optimization with CloudHealth or resource monitoring across clouds with vRealize Operations Cloud.
  • Simplified Operations: Centralized cloud operations provide a unified dashboard where partners can view across clouds, services and customers. By centralizing that control, partners can deliver multi-cloud services such as migration, backup, recovery, security, hybridity, multi-tenant IaaS, containers application templates, etc., on any of the supported cloud end points. Common back office operations also mean you can create a customer once and enable them to deploy workloads anywhere. You can enjoy common customer identities, central RBAC controls, simple contract management, and more. Cloud Partner Navigator can also be accessed through an API, enabling partners to standardize integration to their existing back office and portals across the breadth of cloud endpoints and services supported.
  • Customer Flexibility: Customers get self-service access to multiple clouds, allowing them to deploy VMs and containers across clouds, with 1-click application deployment. They can view their rental and cloud usage from one dashboard, and they can continue to use familiar tools like vCenter and VMware Cloud Director to manage their workloads.

Get Started with VMware Cloud Partner Navigator Today

Cloud Partner Navigator builds on VMware Cloud Provider Hub, which is already well known to our Managed Service Provider partners, and VMware Cloud Director service, which enables multi-tenancy on VMware Cloud on AWS. A big focus for Navigator has been tight integration with VMware Cloud Director for partners using it to power their own public or private clouds.

VMware Cloud Partner Navigator is planned to be available in Q4, as an upgrade to VMware Cloud Provider Hub. All current VMware Cloud Provider Hub partners will be automatically and non-disruptively upgraded upon launch, getting access to the new business and technical functionality Cloud Partner Navigator brings. Navigator will become a one-stop shop moving forward.

Learn more

To learn more about the value of VMware Cloud Partner Navigator for your business, watch the VMworld breakout session “Introducing Project Path to Simplify Multi-Cloud Management for Cloud Providers [HCPS2598]”.

You can find more information on the product page on the VMware Cloud Solutions website.