HashiCorp Terraform
VMware Cloud Provider

Terraform vCloud Director Provider v2.2.0 Released

Two months haven’t passed and we have a new version of HashiCorp Terraform vCloud Director Provider v2.2.0! You can now automatically download it via the terraform init command and find the corresponding documentation on the HashiCorp Terraform website:


In this particular release we had a primary goal of merging all of the open community contributions (a friendly reminder that Terraform vCD Provider is open-source). As such, this release packs the following main features.

Note that if you’d like to read about Terraform vCloud Director Provider in general, please see the previous article as well:

vCloud Director Embraces Terraform

v2.2.0 Features

First of all, there are two completely new resources for the provider level operations (i.e. system administrator):

  • New resource vcd_external_network – for automating creation of External Networks
  • New resource vcd_org_vdc – for automating creation of Organization VDCs

Then, the existing vcd_vapp_vm resource received a major improvement in the way it handles networks. As an outcome of that, it’s now possible to add multiple NICs to Virtual Machines. Also, you have access to the MAC addresses:

  • New argumentvcd_vapp_vm.network for multiple NIC support and more flexible configuration
  • New argumentvcd_vapp_vm.network.X.mac for storing the MAC address in Terraform state file

Another feature in vcd_vapp_vm and the related vcd_vapp resource is the ability to set metadata for vApp and its Virtual Machines separately:

  • New argumentvcd_vapp_vm.metadata for ability to add metadata to a VM
  • Improvedvcd_vapp.metadata argument to add metadata to the vApp directly

Moreover, a small topping to the cake of the same vcd_vapp_vm resource is a new flag for running hypervisors in a VM (hypervisor nesting):

  • New argument vcd_vapp_vm.expose_hardware_virtualizationfor ability to enable hardware assisted CPU virtualization

Last but not least, there’s also a handful of additions to the test suite to help avoid unwanted bugs. Of course, it’s committers who will feel this first. For instance, we’ve added test grouping by tags to support selective and parallel runs for the growing suite. In this context, if you like Go programming language and developing cloud automation tools, please consider joining our open-source community with a code contribution!

Please also see our changelog for details with links to related GitHub pull requests.

Now let’s look at examples on how you can use some of these new features.

Example of configuring an Org VDC

To begin with, let’s say we’re a provider and want to automate creation of Organization VDCs. It’s fairly easy to define an Organization VDC, but there are three points to be aware of.

  • First, use system administrator (as opposed to org administrator) credentials in the provider section of the Terraform template
  • Then, there are three allocation models supported in the allocation_model field, but one of their names differ from the one in the vCD GUI
    • AllocationPool – “Allocation pool”
    • ReservationPool – “Reservation pool”
    • AllocationVApp – “Pay as you go” (!) This name comes from vCD API and reflects that “AllocationVApp” model resources are committed to a vDC only when vApps are created
  • Last, there are two choices which argument to use in compute_capacityblock
    • limitis used with AllocationVAppmodel
    • allocatedis used with AllocationPool and ReservationPoolmodels

So, let’s take a look at an example for the VDC with the AllocationVApp (“Pay as you go”) model. Please note the in-line comments which reflect the above notes.

Please see Org VDC documentation page for more details:


Example of a VM with multiple networks

To continue, let’s take a look at an example snippet which defines a VM with three NICs and some advanced parameters.

  • Three NICs
    1. Connected to vApp network
    2. Connected to Org VDC network
    3. Not connected at all
  • Hardware assisted CPU virtualization enabled
  • Custom metadata set

It’s important to note that:

  • You define more than one NIC by creating more than one network block
  • Order of the network blocks gets reflected in the operating system

As in the previous example, please see the in-line comments for explanations as well.

Please see VM resource documentation page for more details:


Next Steps

Most importantly, please give it a try! And if you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask. You can do it by joining our Slack channel #vcd-terraform-dev through VMware {code} or filing an issue in the Terraform vCloud Director Provider repository.

Hope to hear from you!