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Sticky Clouds and Stateless Doughnuts? Cloud Consumption Is Always Up

Is this cloud stuck to this mountain, or is this mountain stuck to this cloud, idk, but I did wish for a clear shot!

As I was rolling around my LinkedIn Feed I happened or Marjorie’s comment of Narian’s Post. As I mentioned in an earlier article there is real scrutiny being applied to decisions of infrastructure consumption. In his post Narian walks thru an analysis of how decisions around cloud are often short term but have long term implications.

If I consume this sticky doughnut how many more times will I need to call the icing service? My daughter says weekly!

I especially enjoyed the walk thru of 3 key points of stickiness: I came up with song titles in case any of the cloud providers want to start a band. (hit me up @servicexen )

  • Data Gravity – “I like petabytes and I cannot lie!”
  • Native Services and Server-less Consumption – “I mean there I was just waiting for someone to see me, and consume me.”
  • IaaS Service consumption on the cloud – “ Firewall, load balancer and cache money.”

I am looking forward to discussing the points above. Learning how to work to reduce these points of stickiness. Making it easier to move applications, workloads and infrastructure between different platforms, consumption patterns and infrastructure providers would be key Its a careful balance for Dev & Ops teams as they workout what to embed in there application deployments, that is cloud resident. Asking questions about “How to do so an simplify the path for developer teams, Administrators and Operations?” I’d guess that service mesh, a common management plane and an amazing hypervisor are part to the answer. I look forward to hosting discussions with folks who are embarking on this journey over on <a href=""> via Cloud Stream</a> a new series by Sudesh Girdhari where we discuss the many paths folks are taking on there journey to what’s next.

Its a mountain, its a creek! Nah its Cloud Stream: video channel to increase awareness of Multi-cloud value for Business, Technical and Security stakeholders and customers

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