Modern Apps

Six Unexpected Challenges to Modernizing Apps

App modernization brings undeniable benefits such as reduced costs, improved productivity, increased business agility, and enhanced security. Staying competitive and delivering value to your customers requires a trusted foundation to accelerate innovation, and it’s likely that your application future may consist of cloud-based, containerized, microservice-based applications created to run with DevOps processes. 

While your organization may have a well-defined vision, the path to achieve it can be unclear. The most common approach is to attempt to shift into that future state in “one fell swoop” — swapping out the entire infrastructure stack all in one go instead of evolving current teams and processes. With this approach, there are huge technical, organizational and operational hurdles to overcome, which can be more difficult and time-consuming than originally expected. 

So what are those hurdles? This is what you might find when using the “one fell swoop” approach to modernize your apps: 

  1. It’s all or nothing 
  1. It limits options and creates new issues 
  1. It presents a steep learning curve 
  1. It’s slow 
  1. It leaves the organization straddling two different worlds 
  1. It’s single cloud–centric 

Want to learn more about these challenges? Dive into our short guide Six Unexpected Challenges to Modernizing Apps now.