Migrate to the Cloud Scale on Demand

A Golden Opportunity for Cloud Services in Myanmar

Telecommunications company Golden TMH, a VMware Cloud Verified partner, is emerging as the cloud leader in Myanmar. Discover how it is supporting local businesses with low-latency hosting for applications, systems, and infrastructure.

Businesses in Myanmar are growing rapidly in no small part due to the cloud services offerings from Golden TMH (GTMH). With offices in Mandalay and Yangon, the company is one of the leading telecommunications companies in the nation.

GTMH’s solution portfolio is diverse, with numerous services that span the entire software stack — including cloud-based backup, disaster recovery, storage, and web hosting services, as well as software-defined infrastructure using private and hybrid cloud models. Notably, all of these solutions benefit from the company’s ironclad network.

GTMH has two service centers from which it offers private and hybrid cloud services based on VMware technology: one in Yangon, which the company will expand this year to include more than 400 racks, and another in Mandalay. Aung Kyaw Thu, GTMH’s cloud infrastructure team lead, notes that it was imperative for the company and its customers that GTMH receive the VMware Cloud Verified distinction and mark of authenticity.

“VMware is trusted and familiar to most of the companies we work with,” Thu says, “and we believe, as do our customers, that being VMware Cloud Verified is essential to demonstrate our commitment to providing the highest level of service available in the country.

“GTMH is a full-service provider in the telecom space,” he adds. “We are fully licensed to operate everything businesses here need, including our own international gateway. Being able to offer our clients a full range of carrier-grade services – including those required for cloud computing – and our ability to deliver a fully redundant interconnect with all of the major networks in the country, makes us unique and the cloud leader in Myanmar.”

So, what is driving demand for cloud services in Myanmar, particularly when many companies previously used hosting and data center services from Singapore?

“Today, companies in Myanmar are looking to local hosting in order to reduce latency for their applications, systems, and infrastructure,” Thu says. “There is also a more general move to domestic hosting for compliance reasons. And because GTMH is a carrier, we have the ability to utilize our domestic assets and redundant peering capabilities with all of the major networks to address both latency and compliance needs simultaneously. We have also been able to acquire and train a dedicated team of cloud experts who are making a significant impact on Myanmar’s young workforce.”

Thu believes demand for the company’s cloud services will increase. In 2020, the company plans to launch new office and data center locations, such as in Naypyitaw, and there are also expansion efforts underway with edge data centers in other parts of the country.

Learn more about GTMH and its partnership with VMware here.


CIO blog posted on Feb 21st.