Today, enterprises are pursuing a number of specific cloud initiatives, often simultaneously. Initiatives can include everything from extending applications and infrastructure to the cloud, developing for the cloud using containers and microservices, to replacing existing applications with SaaS. This flexibility enables enterprises to move fast, to be agile and to compete in a dynamic marketplace.

Consistent Operations Across Multiple Clouds
However, this multi-cloud consumption model can bring operational complexity, lack of visibility and risk for enterprises resulting in unexpected costs, lost productivity and increased security risks.

As enterprises embark on a cloud journey with multiple operating models, they need consistent operations to manage these cloud silos from on-premises data centers to diverse public cloud services.

In 2016, we previewed Cross Cloud Services, a set of SaaS services to unify cloud operations across multiple clouds. Delivering on that promise, I am happy to announce Initial Availability of VMware Cloud Services – Network Insight, NSX Cloud, AppDefense, Cost Insight and Discovery. In addition, earlier this year, VMware acquired Wavefront to accelerate the delivery of Cloud Services.

VMware Cloud Services offers a portfolio of key services for gaining the greatest advantage from cloud computing, while managing complexity and risk across clouds. VMware Cloud Services provide a consistent operational model across all cloud environments to ensure visibility, automation, security and governance, regardless of how an application is built and where it runs. These cloud services take advantage of the unparalleled expertise VMware has supporting more than 500,000 global customers running some of the most demanding enterprise production applications.

VMware Network Insight
Allows Cloud IT to analyze traffic flows, plan security and troubleshoot network issues across all virtual, physical and public cloud environments

VMware NSX Cloud
Provides consistent networking and security for applications running natively in public clouds. Having a common networking and security model across clouds significantly improves operational scalability, control, and visibility – with lower OpEx.

VMware AppDefense
A sophisticated data center endpoint security solution, embeds threat detection and response into the virtualization layer on which applications and data live.

VMware Cost Insight
Empowers IT to compare and analyze the cost of running multiple clouds, identify key cost drivers, find efficiencies and communicate the cost of services to their business.

VMware Discovery
Delivers a secure and efficient approach for automatically detecting public and private cloud inventory, making it easier to organize and search cloud resources.

Wavefront by VMware
A SaaS-based metrics monitoring and analytics platform that handles the high-scale requirements of modern cloud-native applications.

What does this mean for business?
Enterprises can select the best cloud environment to deploy and run applications while maintaining consistent operations that ensure the integrity of the entire IT portfolio. With VMware Cloud Services you have the flexibility to choose the best cloud infrastructure for the needs of your applications and your business while also:

  • Proactively managing inefficiencies in application design
  • Managing application and infrastructure vulnerabilities
  • Ensuring consistent security policies and networking across clouds
  • Providing cost and usage transparency across heterogeneous clouds
  • Consolidating application and infrastructure visibility and much more

In essence, VMware Cloud Services takes operational complexity out of the equation and lets enterprises innovate freely in the clouds they choose.

To learn more about VMware Cloud Services, visit