VMware vSphere Foundation
VMware vSphere Foundation Videos & Podcasts Virtually Speaking Podcast

Virtually Speaking Podcast: Announcing VMware vSphere Foundation 5.2

VMware vSphere Foundation is the enterprise workload engine with intelligent operations for optimizing IT infrastructure in organizations of all sizes. It boosts operational efficiency, supercharges workload performance, elevates security, and accelerates innovation for your business. This week VMware by Broadcom announced VMware vSphere Foundation 5.2. This week on the Virtually Speaking Podcast we welcome Himanshu Singh and Harshad Kolte to discuss the details of this latest release.

The Virtually Speaking Podcast

The Virtually Speaking Podcast is a technical podcast dedicated to discussing VMware topics related to private and hybrid cloud. Each week Pete Flecha and John Nicholson bring in various subject matter experts from VMware and from within the industry to discuss their respective areas of expertise. If you’re new to the Virtually Speaking Podcast check out all episodes on vspeakingpodcast.com and follow on Twitter\X @VirtSpeaking.