Cloud Infrastructure

Shaping the Future of Cloud Sovereignty: Why you can’t afford to miss European Sovereign Cloud Day – In person (in Brussels) or Online (Virtual)

The global digital landscape is evolving at an unprecedented pace, and with it comes the mounting challenge of safeguarding data sovereignty, security, and protection. Now, more than ever, the call to action is clear: Europe must fortify its digital autonomy, not just for the sake of regulatory compliance but to ensure resilience, innovation, and competitiveness on the global stage. This is why Forum Europe, Broadcom, and Arrow are hosting the 2nd European Sovereign Cloud Day.

Why: Explore how EU Data Sovereignty is established & shaping the future, understand key market drivers, and discover viable sovereign solutions to protect your data.

When: September 10th, 2024 @ 9:45 am to 5:15 pm CEST

Who: Hear from Legislation, Certification, Solutions Providers,

Ways to Engage: Register for In-Person (in Brussels) or Online (Virtual) Seating. Register for either here.

The Time is Now to Establish EU Digital Autonomy

As the European Union embarks on a new political and legislative cycle, the focus on compliance, resilience, and strategic autonomy has never been more urgent. The very fabric of Europe’s digital future hinges on the principles of cloud sovereignty—a concept designed to protect data within Europe’s borders, foster innovation, and enhance the continent’s global market position.

A Rapidly Changing Landscape

This is your chance to hear from EU legislators, policymakers, and industry players!  The drive for sovereign cloud solutions is not a trend but a foundational shift, responding to a world where data security and digital autonomy are no longer optional but essential. Europe’s commitment to these principles is evidenced by a growing body of regulations aimed at strengthening data sovereignty. The Data Act and similar legislative measures are setting the stage for an era of heightened digital governance, ensuring that European data remains under European control. These regulations are about creating a secure and trustworthy digital environment supporting businesses and citizens.

Growth and Collaboration in the Industry

The upcoming European Sovereign Cloud Day will delve into how far Europe has come in establishing sovereign cloud services. Key discussions will include the development of interoperability standards and the portability of cloud services across European borders, ensuring seamless integration while maintaining sovereignty. The conference will bring together voices from various industries to discuss collaborative strategies between the public and private sectors. These collaborations are critical to advancing and deploying next-generation cloud technologies, which are the backbone of Europe’s digital sovereignty.

Embrace the Momentum and Addressing Cybersecurity Challenges

With the widespread adoption of sovereign cloud solutions comes an array of cybersecurity challenges. The Day will explore how Europe can navigate these hurdles, balancing the need for digital sovereignty with the benefits of global collaboration in cloud technology innovation. It’s not just about building walls but about creating bridges—secure and controlled—through which information can flow.

The momentum behind sovereign cloud initiatives in Europe is tangible. Recent developments have shown significant growth in the adoption of these solutions, proving that the market is ready and the industry is ripe for expansion. Check out last year’s perspectives and presentations from the event here.

Additionally, you can explore recent momentum for Sovereign Cloud in this Growth in Sovereign Clouds PR and learn more about the future opportunities for Europe’s digital landscape by reading Embracing Sovereignty in the Cloud: Opportunities for Europe’s Digital Future.

Join Us for This Unprecedented Event in Brussels

The future of Europe’s digital sovereignty is at a critical juncture. The decisions and collaborations formed today will shape the digital landscape of tomorrow. This is not just another industry event—it’s an unprecedented opportunity to engage with the key players, policymakers, and innovators who are actively shaping the future of cloud sovereignty in Europe.  Hear from legislators and policymakers driving regulation and engage in the conversation to determine what’s next and how to prepare.

Don’t be a spectator; be a driving force in this transformative movement. Register now to secure your spot at the 2nd European Sovereign Cloud Day on the 10th of September, 2024, in Brussels or virtually.  Act now—spaces are limited, and the time to influence the future of Europe’s digital landscape is today.

Register now by clicking here or going to to find out more!

The post Shaping the Future of Cloud Sovereignty: Why you can’t afford to miss European Sovereign Cloud Day – In person (in Brussels) or Online (Virtual) appeared first on VMware Cloud Provider Blog.

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