
The advent of private AI is upon us

This time last year, Generative AI was still relatively unknown, with only early adopters aware of applications like ChatGPT. Fast forward 12 months however, and it’s taking the world by storm. It will have a profound effect on business, with Large Language Model (LLM)-based Generative AI set to revolutionise industries such as healthcare and education. It’s no surprise therefore that this was the hottest topic at VMware Explore Barcelona earlier this month. Here, we share our key Generative AI takeaways from the go-to-event for all things multi-cloud.  

Private AI is maturing, and fast  

We’re at the very start of the adoption curve for Generative AI, which in its purest form, uses data models derived from pretty much the entire contents of the internet. But this raises a host of concerns around security and protection of corporate IP, hence the emerging need for private AI solutions. With private AI, businesses can run Generative AI with hybrid models, using public data but also combining this with private data that’s secure behind their corporate firewall.  

VMware gives organizations the freedom to choose where to build, run, and consume their AI LLMs, whether from on-premises environments, private clouds, at the edge, and/or across multiple public clouds, such as AWS, Azure and Google Cloud. Our multi-cloud capabilities put us in a strong position to help businesses implement private AI solutions, and at this year’s VMware Explore Las Vegas, we announced a series of private AI offerings, that resonated well with customers, partners and analysts. Conversations in Barcelona confirmed the market interest in private AI, and we announced a further expansion of our private AI offerings with industry partners and the wider ecosystem:  

Data is the driving force behind AI innovation  

Efficient Generative AI LLMs depend on modern distributed databases, available as cloud services. In Barcelona, we launched the next generation of VMware Data Services Manager, designed to help companies innovate by making distributed data services easier to consume and increasing support for third party data services, including a deeper collaboration with Google Cloud – making its AlloyDB Omni database available on VMware Cloud Foundation. For full details of the announcement, please see here 

Data protection and cloud sovereignty among top concerns for businesses  

With businesses becoming more and more data-led, it’s even more important that they know where their data is being held and accessed at all times. In Barcelona, we introduced new capabilities and technology partnerships to support our Sovereign Cloud partners, accelerate sovereign digital innovation and enhance security for customers around the world, including support for Bring Your Own Keys (BYOK), and Bring Your Own Key Management Systems (BYO-KMS). More than 50 CSPs in 33 countries are part of a powerful, interconnected and diverse VMware ecosystem that supports our customers’ sovereign cloud requirements. For full details of the announcement, please see here 

Did you miss out on this year’s VMware Explore Europe? Don’t worry, you can check out our on-demand library, which is packed full of multi-cloud content. Discover what was announced and get in touch if you’re ready to kick-start your multi-cloud journey today.  

Key session tracks to explore: 

Learn how to deploy AI models using your existing data center investments, through VMware and Intel’s new collaboration  

Dive into VMware’s products and solutions to discover ways to succeed in today’s multi-cloud world and the rise of AI 

In a panel with leaders from Google Cloud, we take a deeper dive into some of the newest innovations and discuss what this means for VMware customers moving to Google Cloud 

Join this talk to understand how we enable data scientists to train, fine-tune and augment LLMs on the VMware platform, both at model development and deployment time. 

The post The advent of private AI is upon us appeared first on VMware EMEA Blog.

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