General vCenter

PowerCLI 6.0 Release 3 Has Arrived

PowerCLI R3

The PowerCLI team is back and at it again. This time with the release of PowerCLI 6.0 Release 3. This release has some minor updates for those who have moved to PowerCLI 6.0 Release 2.

In this release we introduce a few fixes that were needed in 6.0 Release 2.

What’s New:

  • Fix for LicenseData class when using the licensing API
  • Help data has been added to the Update Manager cmdlets
  • Customer Experience Improvement support


As you know, we are currently working on converting all of the PowerCLI Snapins into PowerShell Modules. In the previous release of PowerCLI we converted over the License snapin. This update fixes a class inconsistency that was introduced where “Vmware.VimAutomation.License.Types.LicenseData” became “Vmware.VimAutomation.License.Types.V1.LicenseData”. This release has fixed the inconsistency and the data class has be reverted to the original class.

Update Manager Help Documentation

In PowerCLI 6.0 Release 2 we pulled the Update Manager cmdlets into the core PowerCLI package rather than requiring users to download a separate file to install them. This release adds the Get-Help information for the Update Manager cmdlets.

Customer Experience Improvement Support

In continuing effort to provide the best user experience possible to our customers, we’ve added the Customer Experience Improvement capabilities to PowerCLI. Once installed, users can choose to join or leave the program.

For more information on the VMware CEIP you can use the help about_ceip command within the PowerCLI console to provide more detail.

2015-10-29 (4)


You can find the release notes here:

and a direct link to download PowerCLI 6.0 Release 3 here: