Modern Apps

This Month in Spring – February 2024

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Month in Spring! Can you believe it? We’re already in February of 2024! A new year is upon us! Speaking of, Happy Chinese or Lunar New Year to those that celebrate! It’s been a busy month. I was just in Switzerland for the amazing VOXXED DAYS Ticino and CERN events. Here’s the Voxxed Days CERN talk looking at Spring Boot 3.

I’ve been doing a ton of different Spring Tips videos. (Are you subscribed to the SpringSourceDev Youtube channel?) I have a playlist for all the Spring Tips installments. Recently, I did a video on Spring Boot 3.1, and then Java 21, and Spring Boot 3.2, and Spring’s event subsystem, and Spring Data JDBC, and the humble DataSource, and CQRS with the Axon Framework and Spring Boot, and Spring Boot TestJars, and – just recently – the amazing Spring Authorization Server.

Oh, I also did a video on the new Spring AI project which has taken off. There’s a ton of amazing things to play with right now in the Spring and Java ecosystems. One of the projects I’ve been most excited about of late is the Spring AI project, and it seems like y’all are digging it too. Remember: most people don’t need to write their own SQL databases in C, and most people don’t need to write their own LLMs in C and Python. Instead, they need to integrate, and here Spring AI is second to none. The options are endless, and incredible. We live in age of unparalled possibility, and Spring is making it easier than ever to integrate these opportunities into the enterprise.

Alright, my friends, this last month’s been very busy, but let’s dive right into it.

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