
Google Chrome OS running on VMware Workstation!!!


The Google Chrome OS source was released by Google yesterday and the rockstars at gdgt.com have compiled it and released a VMware virtual machine to make it easy for VMware Workstation and VMware Player users to give it a try.  You can get a copy of the VM by registering on their site:


After downloading the virtual machin and have uncompressed:

Create a new "custom" virtual machine and use the defaults with the following exceptions

  •     Choose "I will install the OS later." 

  •     Select "Other" and "Other Linux Kernal 2.6" for the guest operating system (you can bet that we will be adding Google Chrome OS to the list soon)… 

  •     Add memory – I set my VM to use 1 GB (randomly chosen).

  •     Use Bridged Networking.

  •     On the Select a Disk screen, select "use an existing virtual disk and browse for the .vmdk that you  downloaded and decompressed.

  •     I chose NOT to convert the disk format to the newest format.

After completing the New Virtual Machine Wizard and starting the VM, you should see the following screen.


The username and password needed to login to Chrome OS / Chromium OS is your Google account!

Have fun!

Note:  We have had reports of failures to login from behind a proxy server.   The error that is displayed is "Network not connected and offline login fail"

Obviously, VMware Tools are not yet available, so you can expect the mouse to be a little jumpy, but it is useable!