vRealize Log Insight Cloud Cloud Operations Log Insight vRealize Log Insight

What’s NEW in vRealize Log Insight v8.3 and Log Insight Cloud

With our latest VMware vRealize Log Insight v8.3 and vRealize Log Insight Cloud release builds, they both continue to further address core datacenter challenges and enable improved quality of service, operational efficiency and faster root cause analysis.  The features include:

  • FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) compliance
  • STIG (Security Technical Implementation Guide)
  • Geo-expansion: Europe (Frankfurt), Canada (central)
  • Support for Google Cloud Platform log sources

vRealize Log Insight On-Prem Exclusive

FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) 140-2 compliance for federal customers.  In order to enable FIPS mode, the cluster must be offline as it will be rebooted as part of the process.  We highly recommend the environment is backed up prior to enabling FIPS in case settings need to be reverted back.  This is a one-way process and you will not be able to disable FIPS once its been activated.

These are the modules used but for more information on FIPS, please visit our VMware Security and Certifications page:

  • Bouncy Castle: BC-FJA (Bouncy Castle FIPS Java API) v 1.0.2 (Certified Module)
    • NIST Certificate #3152
  • OpenSSL 1.0.2w-fips (Based on openssl-fips-2.0.20-vmw
    • NIST Certificate #3550

STIG (Security Technical Implementation Guide) is a configuration standard consisting of cybersecurity requirements that enables a methodology for securing protocols to enhance overall security and further reduce vulnerabilities.  vRealize Log Insight provides three options for users to interact with the Consent Message:

  • Simple message​
  • Consent agreement with checkbox to agree to the consent​
  • Dialog with button  to agree to the consent​

Also in tech preview for vRealize Log Insight v8.3 supported APIs:

  • GET /api/v1/dod​
  • PUT /api/v1/dod​
  • DELETE /api/v1/dod​

vRealize Log Insight Cloud Exclusive

New Triggered Alerts and Alert Definitions help accelerate time-to-resolution with intuitive dashboards and widgets, intelligent query and searchability, and visualizations that enable fast time-to-value with universal log collection.

Filtering, classification and grouping abilities create structure from unstructured data.  vRealize Log Insight Cloud collects and automatically identifies structure in all types of machine-generated log data to build a high performance index for analytics so you can better correlate object alerts and definitions.  This ultimately provides comprehensive insight into themes and trends, as opposed to just isolated metrics that trigger alarms, allowing IT teams to solve root issues and not just a symptom.

Support for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) log sources and integration for 30 dashboards for services such as:

  • App Engine
  • Big Query
  • Cloud Function
  • Cloud SQL
  • Cloud Storage
  • Compute Engine
  • Firewall Rule
  • Sub Network
  • IAM
  • Kubernetes
  • Load Balancing
  • VPC

Geo-expansion coming soon to Canada (central) in addition to US West (Oregon), Asia Pacific (Sydney), and Europe (Frankfurt)

For more information

To learn more on vRealize Log Insight, vRealize Log Insight Cloud, and other vRealize products, I invite you to check out our new VMware Pathfinder site that that covers detailed usage for:

  • Troubleshooting
  • Interactive Analytics
  • Dashboards & Content Packs
  • Agent Installation
  • Architecture

Topics are covered at level 100 to 300 plus hands-on training!