Product Announcements

VMware Fault Tolerance: winning blog post

Thanks to everyone who participated in the first cycle of our vSphere blogging contest. A great number of people decided to participate, and the amount of content — really useful content — that was produced was incredible. The more useful information about virtualization that gets published on the Internet, the more all of us in the virtualization community benefit from that shared knowledge — a better toolkit for our virtualization projects. So thanks again to everyone who took the time and effort to participate! Blog entries spring forth only with a great deal of blood, sweat and time, and your efforts are appreciated. Here are the list of entries in this cycle – they all are well worth reading if you're interested in implementing Fault Tolerance:

See the list of blog entries about VMware Fault Tolerance: part 1 and part 2

Before we announce the winner, we'd also like an honorable mention to go to Eric Siebert and his entry: Master's guide to VMware Fault Tolerance. Although we didn't award him the prize this week, the judges thought that this was a great reference and one that's well worth bookmarking.

But overall, the judges awarded the prize for the best blog post in this first round of blogging about VMware Fault Tolerance to Hany Michael, for his entry

The panel thought that Hany had a great way of explaining FT, a very nice diagram that was indeed worth a thousand words, a well-produced video, and some real-world use cases. A new enabling feature like FT brings 24 x 7 availability to workloads that previously would have been impractical to protect because of cost and complexity. A few good examples go a long way to explaining the new uses that VMware Fault Tolerance now makes practical. (Barry Coombs also mentioned a real-world use case.)

Thanks Hany and all the people who entered, and let's join the next cycle of the vSphere blogging contest, already in progress. In this cycle we're talking about the vNetwork Distributed Switch.