Product Announcements

vSphere 6.7 Security – Media Resources

As our vSphere 6.7 Security Week comes to a close I’d like to leave you with some more content. In this blog I’ll share with you a number of videos, walkthroughs and a podcast on all the 6.7 security features that have been covered so far.

YouTube Lightboard Videos

The vSphere Tech Marketing team did a number of lightboard videos for the 6.5 release and the popularity of these videos is off the charts. A lightboard video is where the presenter stands behind a Plexiglas surface and talks and draws with florescent markers. The videos are typically 2-4 minutes long and are designed to quickly explain a feature.

Note: We are not trained to write backwards with our non-dominant hand. The video is reversed in post-production! And yes, we get this question all the time!

For vSphere 6.7 I have recorded three videos on the following topics:

YouTube Voiceover Videos

There are also voiceover videos. These videos either explain concepts or show new or improved functionality.

vSphere Central

Over on vSphere Central we’ve added the following walkthrough demos:

Virtually Speaking Podcast

The Virtually Speaking Podcast is a weekly technical podcast dedicated to discussing VMware topics. It’s run by Pete “@vPedroArrow” Flecha and John “@LostSignal” Nicholson from our Storage and Availability Business Unit.

Back in Episode 29 I discussed all the cool new vSphere 6.5 content and I’m back to discuss vSphere 6.7 Security! I always have a lot of fun doing the podcast with these guys. They are both super smart and great to geek out with.

If you only have one thing to do to keep up with all the content I’ve linked to so far then listen to the podcast and subscribe!

Reddit “Ask Me Anything”

In addition to everything above, I was invited to do a Reddit AMA on vSphere 6.7 Security. Check and out and read through a bunch of the questions. We covered more than just 6.7 features!

Wrap Up

vSphere 6.7 Security Week is in the can! Here’s a recap of what’s been released.

I hope all of this content has been helpful and that it encourages you to consider upgrading to vSphere 6.7 in the near future. This isn’t the end of the content! I have a few irons in the fire for some more cool stuff, including more automation of security functions! Stay tuned!

I would like to thank all of our incredibly talented Engineering team that made this all possible. They are awesome people to work with and I couldn’t do my job without them. I think it’s pretty safe to say that we all have a single-minded focus on providing better security in an easier to implement and manage way.

If you have questions that haven’t been answered you can reply here, send them to mfoley at or via Twitter to @vspheresecurity or my personal Twitter account: @mikefoley

@vspheresecurity is a curated list of vSphere Security specific tweets.

Thanks for reading!
