Product Announcements

Practice Makes Perfect!

Hello everyone,

I read an interesting article today at Chuck's Blog which hit a great note with me.  This ineresting article was about a company that had an outage with their email server, that was hosted on an EMC product.  Some of what Chuck talked about was the big picture and how vendors will never be able to protect customers completely.  Products will always improve, but customers will always need to do a part themselves.  The part of Chucks blog that I want to share with you is this quote he had:

I heard one very experienced operations manager put it this way — "it
ain't protected unless you can prove it, and the only way you can prove
it is to do it". 

And of course this is truth like none other in the DR world.  I learned in the military life of my youth about how practice makes perfect.  Traditional DR is a lot of scripts, checklists, and it is hard to practice.  Sometimes you can practice parts of it, but often you cannot practice all of it.  So no practice makes no perfection, and no truth. 

Our great product, Site Recovery Manager, will allow you to practice.  It will support you practiceing as hard and as often as you want.  It will help you test as realistic as you want, and of course, this all means you can prove your DR plans work.  And that is key.
