
Dealing with Infected USBs. (Yes, They Are Still a Threat) 

by: VMware Incident Response Specialist, Dustin Hammond

In the cloud era where information is instantly shared via the internet, it’s easy to forget that people still employ USBs in their daily work. It’s also easy to forget malicious worms can and still do replicate to connected USB drives—a powerful and often-used technique malware authors leverage to successfully infect systems all over the world. And those drives are frequently connected to enterprise ecosystems, a fact that makes this threat even more dire as malware is no longer only infecting a solitary machine (as in the pre-cloud era). 

  • USBs can easily overlap between a user’s personal devices and their work devices, including air-gapped networks that are physically isolated from the rest of the world in highly secure environments. 
  • It is not uncommon for one or more USB devices to be used, shared, and passed around for a variety of storage needs. At scale, this delivery technique can infect hundreds, if not thousands, of systems all over the world. 

Consider an internet café. A user connects a personal USB device to a system not knowing it is already infected with malware. Sensing the USB, the malware triggers an execution chain which infects the device behind the scenes. Not realizing any threat is present, the user leaves the café and ultimately plugs the infected USB into other home and/or office devices. The malware proceeds to infect those systems as well. See Figure 1. 

How USB can infect laptop infographic

Figure 1. How an infection quickly spreads, possibly to the enterprise ecosystem 

This blog offers some helpful hints on how to both detect and eliminate USB-based malware. It contains many tips found in the Unit 42 posting that our VMware IT teams have employed with success. 

On the hunt, knowing what to look for 

Given the gravity of the USB malware threat, VMware IT conducted extensive investigations into how the malicious software operates. 

We found the common denominator in such cases is Unicode character ‘00A0’, also called a non-breaking space character. It is employed to name the directory and looks like a normal space to the naked eye. See Figure 2. 


Figure 2. The hexadecimal notation of this Unicode character is represented in the UTF-8 translation. When translating this further to be URL encoded, it translates to %C2%A0. 

If you wish to copy this character, you can attempt to print the character to the console using Python (as in this example), or open a file and write the character to the file to allow you to copy it. 

Now that you know what to look for, let’s look at what you can do about it via various scenarios. 

Using VMware Carbon Black 

When searching in the Investigate tab in VMware Carbon Black®, ensure the URL encoded value is present in the URL as highlighted here: 


Please note that a regular space when it is URL encoded translates to %20, so your URL with a regular space will look like the highlighted below: 


Be cautious copying and pasting the non-breaking space character when performing a query as various applications will translate it to a space character instead. 

Append the following code to your VMware Carbon Black link: 

https://<your cb tenant>/cb/investigate/processes?query=%28filemod_name%3Ad%5C%3A%5C%5C%C2%A0%5C%5C%2A%29&searchWindow=THIRTY_DAYS 

This will translate to a search query similar to the following, although a ‘no-break space’ character is used instead of an actual ‘space’ character. 

(filemod_name:?\:\\ \\*) 

If rundll32 execution is required to load content, the additional ATT&CK Framework Watchlist detection ‘Execution through API’ can produce results on associated techniques that VMware IT teams regularly observe in relation via the following query: 

((process_name:rundll32.exe -(parent_name:services.exe OR parent_name:svchost.exe))) -enriched:true 

If at first you don’t succeed . . .  

Depending on the variant, when an infected USB device is connected to a computer it may have some AutoRun or AutoPlay configuration files embedded that it will rely upon for execution. This, however, won’t always work. To compensate, malware authors rely instead on a secondary method of infection through user interaction

It works as follows: 

  • A shortcut file typically named after the USB drive—and with an icon of a Windows drive—will sit at the root of the USB folder.  
    • As this shortcut is masquerading as the USB device, it is tempting to click on the icon to access files and folders. 
  • In reality, the shortcut file points to a hidden file buried under one or more hidden folders that both executes the malware and opens the browser to reveal your files that have been moved to another hidden directory. 

Our teams also observed this shortcut technique with the Raspberry Robin worm that Red Canary revealed. 

Is your USB infected? Let’s find out 

When you plug in a USB device, navigating to the USB mount should immediately reveal files. Here are examples of a clean USB versus an infected one (Figures 3 – 4). 


Figure 3. Normal view—USB is highlighted on the left, documents visible immediately on the right. 


Figure 4. Infected view—note the hidden folder with no name, and the shortcut file with the same name as the USB drive. 

If you observe a shortcut file in your USB root directory, right-click on the file and view the properties to reveal the true target executable it is pointing to. 

Use the ‘show hidden folders’ view in your browser to see if there are any hidden folders. 

Lost in the shuffle 

USB worm infections commonly perform what’s called a file shuffle by employing the user files present at the time of infection. It creates another hidden directory somewhere on the USB drive, and then moves all your files to that newly created hidden directory as seen in Figures 5 – 6. 

File shuffle hidden directory

Figure 5. Note the odd file path at the top that includes what looks like an unnamed parent directory

Drive with hidden folders unchecked

Figure 6. View of the drive with hidden folders unchecked 

On the case with Splunk 

If you have a Splunk integration, try the following search query regex pattern. This can assist you in hunting for anomalous hidden directories when a process is executed from such a directory structure. 

index=<your CB index> (childproc_name=”*:\\ *”) 

| regex childproc_name=”^[d-z]:\\\\[\w\W\d\D]+.[\w\W\d\D]{3}$” 


ID Name 
T1091 Replication Through Removable Media 

Indicators of compromise 

These file hashes are shared here along with the AV Signature name sourced from the Avira engine. 

Indicator (SHA256) Signature Name 
0d9688c058fe24662321fcbd86fac53ba1f72ee7378fb543771b94a327e0ea4e WORM/Autorun.aaer 
1dd385d4dc6330ba15b3f0781fc38c7eec4393b0b2ae335e95f6f36431aa8cc8 WORM/Taranis.2719 
3617f708a910ec6c1b17dc940addfd1e9fe3076d18740e375e2f94e96d3e8c7a Trojan/Enosch 
609d9893cc27193c3ffec0107893ff9baf116341e84f0cee238e191306f6f594 W32/Slugin.A 
16996f69d393b324240c3420a540e1380730a3f6bea141d4c99fd2b1727f28f8 Trojan/Razy 
bfec66aa9d8a503292565fe7f82130c8ea3289bf7ddae34d0b8acbeecfa6dfce WORM/Autorun.hfp 
118418433f1244357712184648c286e033fee81a45d0a1bd790c6c5090359355 WORM/Lodbak.Gen4 
24726892b09e4cfc49c3effae4f0ddbd8c5e3b4ec85e699e6e5b8de182a2d4f1 WORM/Lodbak.Gen 
355965fa3d6c0f1964d28858043c7ec5329fd08a6d8459d6308aaea5565e8f83 WORM/Lodbak.Gen4 
52213f3af0ccf3f244902cf4483769844649adaea931bbcc6d199e01bd84d0be WORM/Taranis.295 
a10d17ba338ba3e9b387d1b4f7f3b0bde3c332f212234d8ed43e5969c5964b46 TR/Taranis.2852 
d1d14eb3ed48710ed8cea34742b5e25d75885d3a42dd9cd2508d734d0d73b452 TR/Taranis.458 
68d4ad401a085bc98345ccf4440e8cc3d8cd76df918e2b0fbf4ba310f862c314 WORM/Lodbak.Gen4 
8c128f2eb1a31c5d4259339103dbe199d4941cde1badb51a1402b135882eb791 TR/VB.Downloader.Gen 
bfec66aa9d8a503292565fe7f82130c8ea3289bf7ddae34d0b8acbeecfa6dfce WORM/Autorun.hfp 
1c25f8e9ebe0f34cce6cb20e58e564e1318bd92902b3325ddea6299d9b048518 WORM/Lodbak.Gen 
319a961f0590829d125346298dc53dfb3bf51d2fa1619603baf0c56720cbb8d2 TR/Crypt.ZPACK.Gen4 
693bde25d369a1116b82170c3283f134b6f9d17b3494073b81fc01a951e96de8 TR/Crpyt.ZPACK.Gen4 
996ff55de5931b921ddde4a7bf0abc953f569e16b5c4a937e3aff33af318bdc0 WORM/Taranis.2666 
fb6c3e430a1b0af757fffceddf74f463033f8232eb90415c548ae448372e0909 TR/Spy.Gen8 
b262e7ce0967761a2a6bf22d4605edcd91002fa73a8cc5b436175814077ac4c1 WORM/Lodbak.Gen 
bb2913e23ec9e47a127d89d77748ba655f683e8242175086a7c4d912e4de8413 HEUR/AGEN.1322093 
b328a9c08dbba2e4c5284076ed5338d49e025484c77a9e64dc5d06581ed9a7bf WORM/Lodbak.Gen4 
2ce718b6dc9cc1f43240e196e7cec6a1bbf0bcb0283bed4da7cda619fac597e3 WORM/Taranis.1075 
8dffd3e9a784486be8f7b6a66ea98aea203944842968d03ce4fbc65df601dd79 WORM/Lodbak.Gen4 
2abfee02624c522bd6d3f944cf7046814c833527f7540e174e5df13f2575b0fa TR/Taranis.2683 
2875cde5e229db388c8d8ed8cd77368872daacb7fc81f275cd2a6359bb1fe952 WORM/Lodback.Gen 
f5e5f532a39a87e4474b77ee451df882201b65ab1afecae6e18d0537e2136023 TR/AD.Phorpiex.ikyxs 
2d08deed8c871203aeff265e5316023a828bb1152983148043961b382c6d2522 WORM/Taranis.295 
5c4043a72fe2d469d3abee73c56ffb28a03bea75b97d7f856d7eef8f8598e63f WORM/Taranis.295 
92d0e914e5662dee11fd75ceaeff5dd6996a05474120bd2058f92dc68df1c9a3 WORM/Lodbak.Gen4 

An ounce of prevention . . . 

As any security expert knows, human nature is still the #1 vulnerability of any enterprise ecosystem, whether a malicious breach was intentional or not. That’s why awareness training is a great way to expose these threat actor techniques (and their remedies) to the largest user populations possible. A more direct (and recommended) approach is to simply block any/all USB devices on enterprise systems to fully prevent malware from spreading in the first place. 

There’s a lot more to this dynamic topic than is presented here. That’s why we encourage you to contact your account team to schedule a briefing with us. No sales pitch, no marketing. Just straightforward peer conversations revolving around your company’s unique requirements. 

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