IT Thought Leadership

Highlights From the VMware IT Performance Annual Report 2021, Part 1 of 5

by: VMware on VMware staff

Innovation begins with transformation is the theme of the 2021 VMware IT Performance Annual Report. VMware IT has committed to embracing digital transformation, allowing us to deliver new technologies to our customers and continue to mine all the capabilities of cloud platforms. In addition, we strive to foster collaborative work environments for the new hybrid world and continue to rely on remote work while not compromising security.

The VMware IT digital transformation combines exploring new ways of operating, such as modernizing our apps to create a more agile enterprise. We’re employing new technologies and launching innovative projects to make it easier for colleagues to access the tools they need. We’re adopting advanced solutions that anticipate technical issues and accelerate problem resolution. And we’re optimizing sales and marketing efforts with technologies that help us transition to a software as a service (SaaS) model.

Transformation touches on every aspect of our workplace, including the following aspects of our digital transformation:

  • cultural transformation
  • cloud transformation
  • workspace transformation
  • security transformation.

Cultural Transformation

VMware IT enables our employees to work from anywhere, which provides us with access to a greater pool of talent from around the world.

VMinclusion, our diversity and inclusion initiative, is a business-led effort to attract and engage the multinational and multicultural talent critical to our globally connected business. Our transformative IT solutions harness the power of human differences and build an inclusive and diverse community.

Fostering a culture of innovation helps bring many ideas to life. Examples of this are using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to streamline internal processes, create better products and improve customer success engagements.

Cloud Transformation

Cloud platforms are malleable and resilient, as they have inherent business continuity and disaster recovery (BC/DR) features. A single operating model across the data center, public cloud and edge exemplify the benefits of cloud and multi-cloud economics by reducing operating costs by 41 percent; improving IT responsiveness to the business by 29 percent; improving the ability to serve customers by 28 percent; accelerating the delivery of application features and releases by 28 percent.

Workplace Transformation

There are three phases vital to ensure future readiness for workplace transformation:

  • Respondrapidly to equip colleagues to thrive in a secure, distributed environment
  • Adapt with targeted investments to increase automation and flexibility, new models for collaboration and zero-touch onboarding
  • Accelerate howrapidly IT introduces new technologies in the workplace

To provide better support in the hybrid workplace, we shifted our Oasis Tech Bars from offering in-person support to being completely remote. Online chat quickly became the most popular way to request support, and we deployed chat across all major collaboration platforms, including our intranet, Microsoft Teams, Slack and VMware Social.

Security Transformation

Anyone trying to access the network must be continuously verified through multi-factor authentication (MFA) mechanisms in a Zero Trust model. Our IT team successfully implemented a Zero Trust architecture using a combination of VMware products and leading-edge security concepts. As a result, we enhanced our overall security infrastructure while ensuring a positive experience for our colleagues with uptimes for IT services at approximately 99.95 percent.

Continuing the Transformation

Our business is constantly evolving, and we must continue to evaluate our tools, processes and solutions, allowing us to continue to bring exciting, industry-leading new technologies to a fast-paced market to satisfy our customers’ everchanging needs.  

“No organization will ever be fully digitally transformed, just like it’s impossible ever to be done managing your people or maintaining your financial records,” said VMware Chief Digital Transformation Officer Mike Hayes. “To be a leader, you must always be out in front and always in forward motion.”

In following blogs, we’ll take a closer look at each of the four digital transformation categories: cultural transformation, cloud transformation, workspace transformation and security transformation. Check them out here.

VMware on VMware blogs are written by IT subject matter experts sharing stories about our digital transformation using VMware products and services in a global production environment. Contact your sales rep or [email protected] to schedule a briefing on this topic. Visit the VMware on VMware microsite and follow us on Twitter.