Virtual Reality

VMware Virtual Reality Solutions Are Changing an Ever-Evolving Workplace—for Good

by: VMware Global Audio Visual and Events Director Josh Burton and VMware IT Product Manager Colleague Experience Jal Chen

Even before the pandemic, virtual reality (VR) was well on its way helping enterprises reimagine the workforce. That’s why VMware created the Virtual Reality at Work Service initiative, a merging of advanced 3D technologies with programs that meet the demands of a modern global enterprise workforce.

The goals are many and include delivering immersive learning opportunities and improved visual storytelling; the ability for colleagues to experience different office environments without needing a physical office; and unparalleled flexibility for team collaboration.

Why use VR?

Like any emerging technology, VR has a number of applications, so VMware IT spent significant development time focusing on where VR could make the greatest impact on an enterprise.

In general, Virtual Reality at Work is best suited to cross-functional teams that spend four-to-six hours a day on video calls; departments aiming to streamline global review and approval processes; managers trying to enhance worker productivity while enabling a superior colleague experience; and those wanting to generate the most dynamic and immersive presentations, events and live experiences possible. 

In addition, Virtual Reality at Work can add significant value to field sales enablement, remote training and development, 3D modeling and design functions, and even wellness programs like relaxation and mindfulness coaching. Its ability to deliver remote realism never before possible is what makes it invaluable for data visualization and hands-on group collaboration, such as globally dispersed engineers tinkering with a 3D vehicle engine in real time.

Virtual Reality at Work also augments the human resource function in enterprises. As mentioned, remote workplace training, personnel development, and skills or tools training are no longer tethered to physical locations and allow for engaging experiences that accelerate learning more than traditional online platforms.

Recruiting becomes an immersive and enjoyable undertaking for both the enterprise and the candidate. Even timelines are compressed, as everything can be accomplished in hours instead of days or weeks. VR used for  recruiting also has a significant impact on budgets, as travel is no longer necessary, and those funds can be put toward other initiatives.

Finally, Virtual Reality at Work offers flexible, often spontaneous, virtual workspaces that can be created and reimagined as projects demand, such as a last-minute meeting needed to resolve an urgent issue in real time. VR expands the concept of the team because remote team members can actively participate as if they were there in person. And from a pure psychological standpoint, VR enables the real-time human contact and interactions associated with  traditional campus life.

VMware IT is proud to be a pioneer in the VR space and is only just discovering what’s possible with VR in the enterprise.

Check back for updates on this truly revolutionary technology and check out these blogs for more information on how VR can transform the enterprise.

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