Congratulations to VMTN Community Warrior, @rcporto

Submit a nomination for the next VMTN Community Warrior. In 2017, this program will be recognizing users who commit time and energy to engaging in the VMTN community. Learn more.

This week’s Community Warrior burst into the VMware Technology Network community program from left field at the end of last year, and has made his mark. Congratulations to the newest Community Warrior, @rcporto!

@rcporto originally joined communities in 2011, became a vExpert in 2014, and came to my attention late last year, when he won a prize in the CloudCred VMTN Challenge. This was a raffle around the VMTN Badge on VMware’s gamification platform, CloudCred.

Not a month later, he reached out with interest in becoming a VMTN Community Moderator. Today @rcporto is not only a User Moderator, he’s a global moderator, who owns and manages the Brazilian Portuguese community.

Thank you for all that you do @rcporto. VMTN would not be the same without your commitment.

Learn a little bit more about @rcporto

What was the first VMware product you ever used, where and when?

The first VMware product that I used was the vSphere ESXi 3.5, back in 2009, to virtualize some workloads for a client of my company.

What inspired you to become a VMTN Community Moderator recently?

The VMTN community had a lot of great moderators doing a wonderful job to keep the threads clean and in the correct location, but I noticed that a lot of messages, mainly from other languages, like Brazilian Portuguese, do not get the same attention from moderators. I decided to become a moderator to keep my eyes mainly on Brazilian Portuguese messages, since this is my native language, but I spread my attention to English threads as well.

You sure do… Check it out.

How do you work with VMware day-to-day?

I work for a VMware partner, and my main role in my job is to implement, administer and troubleshoot VMware vSphere environments, the vRealize suite products and vCenter Site Recovery Manager, as well as others.

Although I am very experienced with VMware, becoming active in VMTN by replying to user’s threads contributed a lot to my knowledge on real world issues and best practices. I’ve found the VMware KBs and documentation are awesome, and if you search correctly, there is a good chance you’ll find the answer to your problem. Many times when I reply, I don’t know the solution, but since I am familiar with these resources, I can search a solution and reply to the user.

Are you working on any projects you think the VMTN community would be interested in?

Right now, I am busy with my full-time job tasks, but my personal project regarding the VMTN community is to achieve the Guru status in the next six months, so I would like to invite VMTN users to post your questions. It would be my pleasure to try to answer them.

How can people follow/get in touch (Twitter,etc)?

Twitter: @richardsonporto | VMTN: @rcporto

Thanks @rcporto!

This is wise advice from a hard working community warrior: answer questions and ask questions to become a better professional. Get involved and get to know your resources.

Do you see someone frequently answering questions in your favorite forums? Did someone provide support to you recently at a VMUG or over Twitter? Any community involvement counts. Head to the Community Warrior page to nominate a user, or email [email protected].