Congratulations to #VMTN Community Warrior: @rajeevsrikant

 Submit a nomination for the next VMTN Community Warrior. In 2017, this program will be recognizing and rewarding 25 users who commit time and energy to engaging in community discussions and capturing the values of VMware Technology Network. Learn more.

I’m happy to announce, and extend my congratulations to VMTN’s new Community Warrior @rajeevsrikant. Welcome to the Community Warrior Hall of Fame! For those that have been to the VMTN NSX page in the past three years will recognize @rajeevsrikant’s handle. What makes him special is he gives as much as he gets.

Not only does @rajeevsrikant answer customer questions, but he asks them. He leverages VMTN as a place for support, while providing support to others. He takes time every day to improve the community ecosystem for VMware customers, and that makes him a Community Warrior. Thank you and congratulations!

Let’s learn a bit more about this warrior…

K: How were you originally introduced to communities and what inspired you to stay involved?

R: Initially when I was very new to NSX technology, I was looking for open communities where I can learn, share & find answers to queries/problem. VMTN provided the exact platform which I was looking for which is helping me to learn something new every day. It helped to interact with people of multiple skill sets, share their experience & knowledge which is very useful.

K: So, you leveraged it as a platform to learn. That’s great. What have you gained through your involvement with VMTN?

R: VMTN is a knowledge warehouse & it provides easy & fastest way to address any real-time problems. It helped me in acquiring adequate knowledge about the technology & which was useful for my work. It also provided me a platform to share the experience & knowledge to other members.

K: What has your NSX journey been?

R: My NSX journey has been a fun ride. As a pure hardcore networking guy I was assigned to work in the network virtualization project using NSX with not much experience on VMware platform in the past. Completely new to this technology, HOL provided me the best platform to learn about NSX & gets hands on. Knowledge gained through VMTN & HOL gave me huge confidence during implementation NSX in an enterprise environment in large scale deployment. I am proud to say that I am VCIX-NV certified.

K: The ultimate question: would you recommend NSX to other networking professionals?

R: Yes, I do recommend NSX as this is the future of networking. The features, functionality, flexibility & ease of deployment which NSX offers makes it stand out among its competitors. NSX is the game changer for Data Center networks.

K: And finally… Tell us a fun fact about you!

R: I am a friendly character & I love reading.

Thanks for sharing @rajeevsrikant! If you are interested in making any book recommendations, learning more about his NSX experiences, or making a friend – message or follow him on VMTN. He is always posting great content like:

NSX Edge Gateway – On Demand Failover

Congratulations again and thanks for all of your community engagement!

Do you see someone frequently answering questions in your favorite forums? Did someone provide server saving support to you recently at a VMUG or over Twitter? Any community involvement counts. Head to the Community Warrior page to nominate a user, or email [email protected].