Discover VMware Technology Network – Global Forums

Discover VMTN is a blog series that will bring to light the features and functionality within the communities platform that are lesser known, but incredibly useful. This week we start with…

VMTN Global Forums by Language

VMware has offices in 20+ countries, vmware.com has 30+ localized sites, but last month, VMware Technology Network had only a few scatted forums dedicated to enabling peer-to-peer conversations for our global customers.

That gap has been filled with the launch of VMTN Global Forums.

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Communities are an integral part of being a VMware customer. When a customer buys, deploys, or builds on a VMware product, they become a part of the VMware Technology Network, or as our bigger community ecosystem is sometimes called, the vCommunity. VMTN Global Forums by Language now provides a platform to share knowledge, resources, opinions, and gain support, for customers worldwide.

These Forums each have a committed moderator who regulates content to ensure that there is no third-party advertising, and that VMTN’s Code of Conduct is maintained. Check out our list of new Forums and their moderators:

French: @LucD ; @FranckRookie

Italian: @ldelloca

Polish: @inleo

Russian: @AntonVZhbankov

Spanish: @dquintana

Brazilian Portuguese: @rcporto

Japanese: @gowatana

Arabic: @MRoushdy

German: @wila ; @peetz ; @schepp ; @a.p.

Turkish: @ademyetim


So now it comes down to this… Did you deploy a VMware product today? How? Are you upgrading your vSphere from 5.5 to 6? Have you? Head to the forums and engage, whether it’s answering discussions or starting them – from where ever you are in the world.